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Date Permissions Signed
Date of Award
Spring 2022
Document Type
Masters Thesis (Campus-Only Access)
Department or Program Affiliation
English-Creative Writing (MFA)
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
First Advisor
Wong, Jane
Second Advisor
Trueblood, Kathryn R., 1960-
Third Advisor
VanderStaay, Steven
Tending to is a collection that explores the ways that grief often shapeshifts. It utilizes fragmentation, distorted images, memory, and a myriad of forms to investigate what it means to toe the line between the living and the dead—to oscillate between love and loss in spaces that are often blurred, abandoned, neglected, or forgotten. It asks readers to not just live in these uncomfortable spaces, but to bloom from them as they go from page to page: to ask themselves what they tend to, whether that be the living, the dead, or something else entirely. And, just as the gaps often found in the poems and the pages, this collection gives readers space—it invites them, at the very end, to take in some air.
tending to, tending, grief, shapeshift, love, poetry, poems, formal poetry, tenderness, ghosts
Western Washington University
OCLC Number
Subject – LCSH
Poetry--Social aspects; Emotions in literature; Death in literature
masters theses
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Recommended Citation
Atkinson, Brittany, "Tending to" (2022). WWU Graduate School Collection. 1102.