"Words Might've Misshapened Me" by Taylor Stafford

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Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Department or Program Affiliation

Humanities -- English Department

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Wong, Jane

Second Advisor

Orduña, José

Third Advisor

Lee, Jean (Jean Y.),


This thesis ( a collection of poems) examines the impermanence of relationships by way of romantic and platonic relationships, and familial relationships. In addition, the poems exhibit the process of healing that’s a result of these impermanent relationships which affect the self. Most importantly, the self that is explored within these poems and is layered in that through these entanglements, that I’ve experienced throughout my life, have created a wound inside of my flesh that presents itself as a Dragon. This Dragon is referred to as Dante. Even though there are poems throughout the collection that speak of Dante, not all the poems include Dante, at least with words. The reader needs to know that Dante is forever present in my writing. To find some sort of understanding on Dante and I’s relationship I abstracted ideas from Audre Lorde’s Essay, Poetry is Not a Luxury, in order to distill the significant facets of Dante’s and I relationship. I discovered along the way that analyzing Dante’s and I relationship with poetry is similar to unraveling a ball of yarn. Each frail string accumulates to what it is, and without a string or two you don’t have the thing — such is life, and such is the translation of Dantes and I relationship and these poems position in it all.




Things, Dante, Poetry, Quarrel, Relationship, Writing, Black, Hidden, Wounds, Bricolage


Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Interpersonal relations--Poetry; Families--Poetry; Dragons--Poetry; Healing--Psychological aspects--Poetry




masters theses




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