"Love Pedagogy: Justice, Mattering, and Care in and Out of the Classroo" by Gabby Triana

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Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type

Masters Thesis (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dietrich, Dawn Y., 1960-

Second Advisor

Cushman, Jeremy

Third Advisor

Heim, Stefania


In my project, I develop a teaching practice called “love pedagogy,” which has no one definition or set of rules, but, rather, is an ongoing practice of justice, care, and community-building in education. I focus mainly on practices in the postsecondary writing classroom, but much of what I discuss can apply to other disciplines and education levels. Each of the four chapters focuses on a different practice that I see as key to loving students in the writing classroom; these practices include linguistic justice, discourse justice, radical care, and responsive teaching. To build a practice of love pedagogy, I draw from the work of scholars including, but not limited to, Bettina L. Love, April Baker-Bell, and bell hooks, as well as from my own experiences as a graduate student and first-year composition instructor. My project’s aim is to work toward building learning environments grounded in anti-racism, social justice, equity, accessibility, community, and love.




writing pedagogy, linguistic justice, discourse justice, educational freedom, abolitionist teaching, radical care, community


Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

English--Study and teaching; Education--Philosophy; Justice in literature; Critical pedagogy; Educational equalization; Love




masters theses




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