"Building the Climate Justice Movement: A Field Manual to Increase Clim" by Jill MacIntyre Witt

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Date Permissions Signed


Date of Award

Spring 2017

Document Type

Masters Field Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Environmental Studies

First Advisor

Wang, Grace A.

Second Advisor

Myers, Gene (O. Gene)

Third Advisor

Brown, Nicole R.

Fourth Advisor

Woods, Steve, 1963-


Governments from around the world have been meeting annually for over twenty years to determine solutions for addressing global climate change. At the COP 21 Climate Summit in Paris, 195 governments agreed that carbon emissions must be lowered and each country reported their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) for lowering carbon emissions. Now it is up to civil society to hold governments accountable to their commitment and to also urge bolder action since their contributions are not adequate to lower emissions to a level suitable for a livable future. A global justice movement focused on climate action can play a critical role to move more people to action. This project focuses on how to increase climate activism through a compilation of strategies and best practices in the form of a field manual to inform individuals and organizations on ways to move people to climate activism. A survey administered to Climate Activists is analyzed, and the survey results provide a list of climate actions and barriers identified by current climate activists in the field in hopes to inform the movement on what is working and what is important to focus on in the future to move people to action. This field manual will provide additional insights to help build and maintain the climate justice movement.






Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Climate change mitigation--Social aspects--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Environmental justice--Social aspects--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Global environmental change--Social aspects--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Global temperature changes--Social aspects--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Social movements--Handbooks, manuals, etc.




masters theses




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