"Discrete-event Processes in Disaster Recovery: A Conceptual Framework " by Derek Huling

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Date Permissions Signed


Date of Award

Winter 2018

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Environmental Studies

First Advisor

Paci-Green, Rebekah

Second Advisor

Miles, Scott B.

Third Advisor

Kamel, Nabil


Techniques and frameworks to facilitate modeling, simulation, and visualization of disaster recovery concepts are tools to help researchers unpack the complex web of processes and events undertaken by households and other actors participating in recovery.

This research describes a conceptual framework of owner-occupied housing reconstruction consisting of various events, processes, resources, and their interactions with and among entities (representing owner-occupied households). For example, the process of household reconstruction involves potentially many events: building inspections, fulfillment of financial capital requests, contractual agreements with building contractors, etc.

Elements of this conceptual framework are applied to a discrete-event simulation (DES) to simulate the interactions and outcomes of owner-occupied household reconstruction in a case study area of Pacific County, Washington. This simulation uses the SimPy discrete-event simulation development library for the Python programming language, within a probabilistic structure to monitor, assess, and return outcomes related to household reconstruction. Households interact with shared resources to determine the duration of household reconstruction.

The resulting simulation of owner-occupied household reconstruction shows promise of assembling simulations in a “building blocks” manner, in which researchers can assemble simulations based on their own scenario interests. With the addition of quality and significant parameterization, and increased quantity of resources modeled, this simulation could be used to develop and support pre- and post- disaster decision making and planning activities in the emergency management field.






Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Emergency management--Washington (State)--Pacific County--Case studies; Buildings--Repair and reconstruction--Washington (State)--Pacific County--Case studies; Emergency housing--Washington (State)--Pacific County--Case studies; Disaster relief--Washington (State)--Pacific County--Case studies

Geographic Coverage

Pacific County (Wash.)




masters theses




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