"Net Shore-Drift of Mason County, Washington" by Dana G. (Dana Genre) Blankenship

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Date Permissions Signed


Date of Award

Summer 1983

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Schwartz, Maurice L.

Second Advisor

Suczek, Christopher A., 1942-2014

Third Advisor

Threet, Richard L.

Fourth Advisor

Terrich, Thomas A.


Winds from various directions cause waves which transport sediment along the shore. Over a relatively long time interval, sediment is moved in one predominant direction, which is the direction of net shore-drift. Variations in shoreline orientation cause shore drift to occur in discrete, essentially independent, drift cells.

By the specific identification of a number of established geomorphic and sedimentological shore drift indicators, drift cell boundaries can be delineated and the directions of net shore-drift determined. These indicators include changes in bluff morphology, beach width and slope, sediment-size gradation, identifiable sediment, deposition and/or erosion at shore drift obstructions, direction of spit growth and stream diversions, and nearshore bar orientation. Using these shore drift indicators, 136 drift cells have been mapped and described for the Mason County portions of Hood Canal and southern Puget Sound.

Net shore-drift along most of the Mason County shore is generally northward, which reflects the influence of more frequent and stronger winds from southerly directions. Areas of southward net shore-drift occur where fetch from the south is limited. Shore drift in insignificant along parts of the shore where fetch is limited in all directions, where wave energy is diminished by shallow water or man-made barriers, or where cliffs or bluffs extend to deep water.




Net shore-drift, Mason County, Washington




Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Littoral drift--Washington (State)--Mason County; Coast changes--Washington (State)--Mason County; Shorelines--Washington (State)--Mason County

Geographic Coverage

Mason County (Wash.)




masters theses




Copying of this document in whole or in part is allowable only for scholarly purposes. It is understood, however, that any copying or publication of this thesis for commercial purposes, or for financial gain, shall not be allowed without the author's written permission.

Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 1 reduced 7272144.pdf (131 kB)
Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 1

Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 2 reduced 7272144.pdf (149 kB)
Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 2

Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 3 reduced 7272144.pdf (62 kB)
Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 3

Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 4 reduced 7272144.pdf (68 kB)
Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 4

Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 5 reduced 7272144.pdf (60 kB)
Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 5

Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 6 reduced 7272144.pdf (75 kB)
Net Shore-Drift Mason County Map 6

Included in

Geology Commons
