"Geology of the Older Precambrian Rocks in the Vicinity of Clear Creek " by William S. Lingley Jr.

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Date Permissions Signed


Date of Award

Spring 1973

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Brown, Edwin H.

Second Advisor

Ellis, Ross C.

Third Advisor

Babcock, R. Scott (Randall Scott)


The Clear Creek-Zoroaster Canyon area is located in the east- central section of the Bright Angel Quadrangle (Maxson, 1968) roughly seven miles east northeast of Grand Canyon Village, Arizona. The boundaries of the present study area are shown in Figure 1. The study area extends from Mile 83.7 to Mile 86 on the Colorado River below Lee's Ferry, Arizona.

Older Precambrian rocks are exposed along the Inner Gorge of the Colorado River. They also crop out at Zoroaster Canyon, Clear Creek, and Cremation Creek. There are over 450 m of vertical exposure. Many outcrops are inaccessible due to steepness of the canyon walls. The clarity of these exposures is extremely good.

The Older Precambrian rocks exposed within the study area are (1) the Vishnu Schist and associated amphibolites, (2) the Zoroaster Granite, and (3) the late, granitic pegmatites and aplites. All of these rocks show complex inter-relationships, and they are intensely deformed.

In upper Clear Creek the Older Precambrian rocks are unconfor- mably overlain by the younger Precambrian, Grand Canyon Series. The Grand Canyon Series is composed of limestones, shales, and quartzites (Maxson, 1967). Throughout the rest of the study area the older Precambrian rocks show an angular unconformity with the overlying Paleozoic sediments. A summary of Grand Canyon stratigraphy is given by Maxson (1968).




Precambrian rocks, Clear Creek-Zoroaster Canyon




Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Geology--Arizona--Grand Canyon; Geology, Stratigraphic--Precambrian

Geographic Coverage

Grand Canyon (Ariz.)




masters theses




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