"A Gravity Survey and Analysis of the Mount Stuart Block of Washington " by Gregg M. Petrie

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Date Permissions Signed


Date of Award

Summer 1987

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Beck, Myrl E.

Second Advisor

Danes, Z. Frank

Third Advisor

Pevear, David R.


Gravity data were gathered in the vicinity of the Mt. Stuart Block, a horst of pre-Tertiary rocks which include the Chiwaukum Schist, the composite Mt. Stuart Batholith, and the Ingalls Complex with its related metasedimentary-volcanic sequence, located in the east central Cascade Mountains of Washington. The final complete Bouguer map suggests the following features: (1) displacement of the Chiwaukum Graben occurs mostly on the west side in a narrow, 4-5 km, block 5.5 to 7.5 km deep, expanding in width to the north; (2) the Ingalls Complex is a relatively shallow feature: certainly a model hypothesizing a deep plug of peridotite is incompatible with the gravity data; (3) there is gabbroic rock at depth, below the Mt. Stuart Batholith, which on the west side has been intruded in part by rock of the Snoqualmie Batholith; (4) there is a thickening of the Teanaway volcanic rocks south of the western part of the Mt. Stuart Block; and (5) rock of the Mt. Stuart Batholith extends to the south beyond the Ingalls Complex and forms basement for the Swauk Formation.




Swauk Formation, Mount Stuart Block, Gravity data




Western Washington University

OCLC Number



Page 11 was not included in the original publication and is not included in this file.

Subject – LCSH

Gravity anomalies--Washington (State)-Stuart, Mount (Chelan County); Geology--Washington (State)-Stuart, Mount (Chelan County);

Geographic Coverage

Stuart, Mount (Chelan County, Wash.)




masters theses




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PetrieThesisMap1.pdf (1115 kB)
Map 1

PetrieThesisMap2.pdf (882 kB)
Map 2

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