"A Geographical Analysis of Aquaculture Sites in Puget Sound" by Dennis R. Gillespie

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Date Permissions Signed


Date of Award

Winter 1992

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Scott, James William, 1925-2011

Second Advisor

Monahan, Robert L.

Third Advisor

Vernon, Manfred C.


Attempts to promote aquaculture in Puget Sound waters have met with heated debate over the physical and environmental impacts such siting would produce. These are concerns that aquaculturists contend are nothing more than smoke screens used to conceal the only issues that matter to their opponents — aesthetic appearance and the potential threat to property values.

This essay examines the issues concerning aquaculture in the region. First the history of aquaculture in the Sound from the turn of the century through to the present is addressed. Highlighted are the problems of stewardship and the challenges faced by the industry in its use of the Sound as a resource.

The various species raised and the production methods employed to cultivate them are next discussed. Disputes involving Puget Sound aquaculture that have been heard before the Washington Shorelines Hearings Board are then presented and analyzed. Finally, the economic impact of aquaculture is evaluated, with primary focus on the oyster and salmon segments of the industry.

A conclusion is reached that aquaculture provides a viable means of enhancing the state's food resources, but that competition for land and water sites in the Puget Sound region make the future of the industry a far from assured one.




Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Aquaculture--Washington (State)--Puget Sound

Geographic Coverage

Puget Sound (Wash.)--Geography




masters theses




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