"Geology of the Cooper Mountain Pluton, North Cascade Mountains, Washin" by Tammy C. Fawcett

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Date Permissions Signed


Date of Award

Summer 2001

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Housen, Bernard Arthur

Second Advisor

DeBari, Susan M., 1962-

Third Advisor

Brown, Edwin H.


A study of the 48 Ma Cooper Mountain pluton (CMP) in the North Cascade Mountains of Washington using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) defined the orientation of magnetic fabrics. Fabrics in limited areas at the margins of the CMP tend to be parallel to the pluton margin and are therefore interpreted to be emplacement-related. The fabrics in the interior of the body, throughout the bulk of the pluton, are discordant with respect to the NW pluton margin. The fabric is manifest by NW-striking, moderately to steeply dipping foliation and NW-SE trending, moderately to shallowly plunging lineation, approximately parallel to regional structural trends in the Cascade Crystalline Core. Discordance of the fabric to the pluton margin and near concordance with regional structures suggests a tectonic origin.

Remanent magnetization was measured to determine if the CMP has been reoriented since emplacement. The characteristic remanence was unblocked in some samples at 580°C and in others at 370°C. A variety of techniques were used to determine that magnetite and pyrrhotite are the remanence-carrying minerals. Magnetic directions obtained from both of these remanence carriers plot, within error, on the North American expected Eocene direction (Diehl et al. 1983) suggesting that there has been no reorientation of the pluton since remanence was acquired and that magnetic fabrics require no correction to obtain their Eocene orientation.

Results of fabric analysis indicate that the Cooper Mountain pluton is a syntectonic pluton rather than post-tectonic (Haugerud et al. 1991b) due to the tectonic development of magmatic fabrics. This fabric is slightly oblique to the length of the Cascade orogen and is thus best interpreted to have formed as a consequence of regional dextral-shear due to transpression.




Cooper Mountain pluton, Geomagnetism, Syntectonic pluton, Remancence


Western Washington University

OCLC Number



The original printing of the book came with a Data CD. The contents of the CD have been converted to a zip file and are included here as an "additional file".

Subject – LCSH

Intrusions (Geology)--Magnetic properties--Cascade Range; Intrusions (Geology)--Washington (State)--Okanogan County; Intrusions (Geology)--Washington (State)--Chelan County; Geology, Structural--Cascade Range; Petrology--Cascade Range

Geographic Coverage

Cascade Range; Okanogan County (Wash.); Chelan County (Wash.)




masters theses




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Plate I map

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Data files

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