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Date Permissions Signed
Date of Award
Spring 2019
Document Type
Masters Thesis (Campus-Only Access)
Department or Program Affiliation
English - Creative Writing
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
First Advisor
Magee, Kelly, 1976-
Second Advisor
Kahakauwila, Kristiana
Third Advisor
Yu, Ning, 1955-
There Is Only Us is a collection of short speculative fiction in which each story is an act of intimacy—an altered world shown through the lens of a close relationship. In these stories, brothers, sisters, lovers, mothers, and daughters come together in myriad constellations, often so that one character can make a body-altering choice of extreme proportions. These stories ponder what makes us human, how our humanness is inextricably tied to our bodies, and how our bodies are inextricably tied to those we love. In a variety of forms—from a satirical retelling of Noah’s Ark to a sister drama revolving around naked mole rats—There Is Only Us presents a series of escalating scenarios, simultaneously intimate and absurd, that pose the question: How much can you change and still be you?
body, intimacy, speculative, absurd, family, mother, daughter
Western Washington University
OCLC Number
Subject – LCSH
Identity (Psychology)--Fiction; Self--Fiction; Human body--Fiction; Families--Fiction
masters theses
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Recommended Citation
Ballering, Zoë S. (Zoë Scout), "There Is Only Us: Stories" (2019). WWU Graduate School Collection. 861.