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Date Permissions Signed
Date of Award
Spring 2020
Document Type
Masters Thesis (Campus-Only Access)
Department or Program Affiliation
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
First Advisor
Paola, Suzanne
Second Advisor
Colen, Elizabeth J.
Third Advisor
Giffen, Allison
Body Imagery is a collection of stories and essays that interrogates the cultural expectations for women and their lived-in bodies. This collection moves between memoir, realism, and speculative fiction to explore the places where personal desires and imposed sexist narratives grind together. The pieces in this collection explore the choice to have or not to have children, and the internal, sexual, and embodied experiences of queer and bisexual women. This collection explores the subjectivity of embodied, flawed, and messy female characters, and considers how their internal narratives conflict and collide with the perspectives of others. From a story about a teenager grappling with her sexuality in a world where the nights disappear, to an essay meditating on the social and political implications of becoming a wife, Body Imagery dives into the tension between the public body and the private one. This collection explores what it means for women to experience desire, agency, pain, and illness, and to make choices about their bodies that don’t fit into patriarchal cultural narratives, or— to make choices that do.
feminist, cross-genre, body, sex, queer & bisexual, body image, memoir, fiction, motherhood/daughterhood, speculative fiction
Western Washington University
OCLC Number
Subject – LCSH
Body image in women--Social aspects--Fiction; Creative writing
masters theses
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Recommended Citation
Howell, Eleanor, "Body Imagery: Stories and Essays" (2020). WWU Graduate School Collection. 934.