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Date Permissions Signed
Date of Award
Spring 2020
Document Type
Masters Thesis (Campus-Only Access)
Department or Program Affiliation
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
First Advisor
Paola, Suzanne
Second Advisor
Miller, Brenda, 1959-
Third Advisor
Odabasi, Eren
Not One Girl, But Many is a collection of short stories that explores and critiques gender norms and expectations through a speculative lens. It examines the way that communities of women process and live through trauma. Through the experiences of witches, mermaids, and vestal virgins, this collection asks what it means to be angry and joyful at once. Further, this collection subverts the trope of nature as feminine through stories that replace the tranquil docility typically assigned to women and flora with wildness. Across stories about the overgrowth of weeds and a profusion of growing plant women, Not One Girl, But Many considers the way that abundance can produce power. Finally, these stories interrogate trauma and oppression by examining not only the roles of accuser and accused, but also the roles of men and women complicit in this kind of oppression through their silence and lack of action.
speculative, first person plural, short stories, gender, gender expectations, magical realism, overgrowth, oppression
Western Washington University
OCLC Number
Subject – LCSH
Short stories--Women authors; Women--Fiction; Feminist fiction--Women authors; Women--Violence against; Misogyny
masters theses
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Recommended Citation
Newman, Hannah R., "Not One Girl, But Many: Stories" (2020). WWU Graduate School Collection. 949.