"Novice Music Teachers: Beginning Secondary Music Teachers and the Chal" by Christopher Kelley

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Date Permissions Signed


Date of Award

Fall 2020

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Department or Program Affiliation


Degree Name

Master of Music (MMus)



First Advisor

Bourne, Patricia, 1957-

Second Advisor

Pyscher, Tracey

Third Advisor

Bianco, Christopher


Classroom management has long been held as the number one concern for novice teachers. For novice music teachers (NMTs), classroom management is even more essential due to class sizes often in excess of 50, and with students literally holding noisemakers. While most NMTs are taught how to support the majority of students, and often receive extra support for students with extreme needs, there exists a population of students (Tier II) who fall in between. NMTs are often unprepared for these students, becoming easily derailed from their lessons and very stressed.

To explore the experiences of NMTs and the Tier II population, a short qualitative survey was distributed to 20 teachers who had five or fewer years of experience teaching. From the fourteen responses, patterns are revealed in the behaviors expressed by these students (mostly disruptive) and the interventions employed by the NMTs (mostly connecting with the students and building relationships) to encourage positive behaviors. It is also revealed that it is likely many of the problems faced by NMTs is due to their struggle to be vulnerable and honest with their students, instead attempting to retain an air of authority.




Music education, classroom management, new teachers, novice teachers, music teachers, novice music teachers, beginning teachers, beginning music teachers


Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Music--Instruction and study; Classroom management; Music teachers--Training of




masters theses




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