Potential effects of short-term climate variation on shrubs, grasshoppers and lizards in the northern Great Basin desert scrub, Philip J. Dugger
Rapid Molecular Species Identification of a Morphologically Cryptic Apple Pest., Emily Green
Promoter deletion analysis and identification of putative CIS-elements of MUTE in Arabidopsis, Aaron Mahoney
Characterization of PhPRP1, an extracellular arabinogalactan protein from Petunia hybrida pistils, Megan Twomey
Land use, riparian buffers, and biological stream conditions in the Puget lowlands of Washington, Colin Wahl
The effects of elevated PCO2 on the physiology of Emiliania huxleyi, Tristen Wuori
Comparative genomics of Bistorta vivipara, Daniel F. Bronny
Changes in macromoth community structure following deforestation in Western Washington State, Matthew R. Fisher
Biodiversity and emerging biogeography of the neutrophilic iron-oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria, Sean M. McAllister
The effects of anoxic conditions on thermal tolerance and stress protein levels in four local bivalves, Rachel Allee
Predicting cyanobacteria blooms in 50 lakes of Northwest Washington, Chandra T. (Chandra Terezina) Llewellyn
How does spatial variation in climate cause spatiotemporal patterns in lizard energetics?, Sean D. Powers
Broad physiological tolerances of the invasive clam Nuttallia obscurata, Zachary C. Siegrist
The relationship between native richness and exotic success depends on the index of exotic success and environmental gradients, Daniel Slakey
Modeling relative effects of riparian cover and groundwater inflow on stream temperature in lowland Whatcom County, Washington, Sarah Harper-Smith
Food habits of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in two estuaries in northern Puget Sound, Washington, Kathryn Luxa
Smart Stimulation: Zoo Conservation for 21st Century Zoos, Lauren Retallack
The DM gene family in the parasitoid wasp nasonia vitripennis: identification of a sex-specific homolog of the doublesex gene, Megan Riddle
The evolution of mating cues in a beetle hybrid zone: causes of geographic variation in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, Rachel M.S. Zack
Response of Coleoptera Communities to Mammalian Pest Eradication at Maungataurari, New Zealand, Tracy H. Durnell
Characterization of sine oculis, eyes absent and dachshund Mutant Phenotypes and the Search for Novel Regulators, Loralyn Cozy
Effects of Relative Abundance on Sexual Isolation and Hybridization Risk in a Naturally Occurring Hybrid Zone of Chrysochus Leaf Beetles, Jessica Mendoza and Jabin Green
An Investigation of Variables that Affect Foraging In the Leaf-Cutting Ant, Atta cephalotes (Formicidae), Kati Buckingham
Surveying the Invasion of Smooth Cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, in Willapa Bay, Washington, Lee Wardle
Reproductive Character Displacement and X-linkage of Cuticular Hydrocarbons in Chrysochus beetles, Hallie Kerins
The Effect of Antibacterial Agents Triclosan and N-alkyl on E. coli Viability, Heidi Nielsen
Burning Characteristics of Big Leaf Maple, Red Alder, and Black Cottonwood Leaves, Elizabeth Ralston
Inhibition of Microbial Growth by Eelgrass Extracts, Emily E. (Emily Elizabeth) Lambert
Double Mutant Analysis of Headless and Head Only in the Wasp Nasonia vitripennis., Amy Maule
Mechanisms and Applications of Enzymatic Thermostability, Julia Whitford
The Feeding Ecology of the Gastropod Batillaria attramentaria, Chuckanut Mudflat, Washington, Karen M. M. Steensma