Faculty Advisor

Dr Tammi Laninga

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At the beginning of the internship we created a loose work plan to follow and as we went things were added to it. Aside from the work plan I also helped draft and send emails to the membership, communicate with the state chapter for information on the membership, create surveys for students, membership, and planning directors (which will be sent out later). I was also responsible for attending the quarterly forums and board meetings both in person and online. Along with this I had weekly meetings with the vice president to go over what I should be working on and any questions I had. I was also in charge of organizing both the google drive and base camp for the section. There are a lot of documents and files that needed to be organized and labeled in a way that made sense and was easy to find. One of the projects was to help draft a work plan for 2024 based on survey results and past work plans. This work plan will be used throughout 2024 and will be the base for the 2025 work plan. I have also created an internship application for those who wish to apply to take over this internship from me. This includes a google survey that gathers basic information along with asking for a resume and cover letter.




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