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The Planet, Spring 1994, Local Issues



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Publication Date

Spring 1994


Western Washington University. Associated Students. Environmental Center; Huxley College of the Environment; Huxley College of Environmental Studies

Editor in Chief

Law, Richard; Martin, Derek


Western Washington University


Bellingham, WA

Production Staff

Assistant Editors: Greg Heffron, Darren Nienaber; Copy Editors: Josh Barnhill, Kris Huss, Rachel Platt, Sarah Tosdevin; Marketing: Corinne Chmela; Writers: Josh Barnhill, Britney Bartlett-Curley, Barbara Adele Borst, Robin Lynn Buchan, Greg Heffron, Barry Hodges, Haidee Jezek, Joshua Klein, Mark Lehner, Alyson McColl, Daniel McLeod, Darren Nienaber, Rachel Platt, Erich Raudebaugh, Angie Suchy, Gillian Vik

Photography Editor

Wewer, Mike


Frome, Michael

Publisher (Digital Object)

Resources made available by The Planet and Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.

Table of Contents

Integrity by Derek Martin

Convenienced to Death by Richard Law

Making Science Approachable: An Interview with Mitch Friedman by Greg Heffron

From Consciousness to Action: An Interview with Bill Dietrich by Haidee Jezek

Kemano II: Trading Salmon for Power by Barry Hodges

Ecofeminism and Pagan Ecology by Gillian Vik

Defining Ecofeminism by Rachel C. Platt

Options to Buy: Ecopaper and the Hemp Debate by Barbara Adele Borst and Britney Bartlett-Curley

Ten Million Pounds of Chlorine by Alyson McColl

The Archives of Whatcom County by Darren Nienaber

Western's Double Standard by Angie Suchy

Taking the L.E.A.D. by Robin Lynn Buchan

Canyon Lake Creek Old-Growth: An Unattractive Deal by Mark Lehner

A Fine Balance by Josh Barnhill

Tierra del Fuego: Trillium's Environmental Promise by Dan McLeod

Trillium's local Opposition by Joshua Klein

Ecotech by Erich Raudebaugh




Publication at Western Washington University

Geographic Coverage

Washington (State)


Environmental Sciences | Higher Education | Journalism Studies


Student publication, Ecology, Environmental Studies

Document Type


Subject-Topical (LCSH)

Human ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals; Ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals

Subject-Names (LCNAF)

Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Huxley College of the Environment--Students--Periodicals


This resource is displayed for educational purposes only and may be subject to U.S. and international copyright laws. Any materials cited must be attributed to The Planet, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.





The Planet, 1994, Spring

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