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The Planet, Winter 1994, Xwlemi, The Lummi Nation



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Publication Date

Winter 1994


Western Washington University. Associated Students. Environmental Center; Huxley College of the Environment; Huxley College of Environmental Studies

Editor in Chief

Martin, Derek


Western Washington University


Bellingham, WA

Production Staff

Managing Editor: Richard Law; Writers: Maurice Austin, Barbara A. Borst, Hellen Buller, Bob Burdman, Kenny Cooper, Cha-Das-Ska-Dum, Nancy Hazzard, Greg Heffron, Mark J. Lehner, Darren Nienaber, Rachel C. Platt, Michael D. Rayton, Brian Davis Reeves, Gillian Vik, Michael Wewer; Illustrators an Artists: Elizabeth Baker, Lawrence Bergquist, Jean Kimmich, Jenifer M. Lane, Yvonne Thomas

Photography Editor

Wewer, Michael


Frome, Michael

Publisher (Digital Object)

Resources made available by The Planet and Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.

Table of Contents

Why the Lummi? by Derek Martin

Reawakening by Kenny Cooper, Cha-das-ska-dum

The Cycle of Salmon by Bob Burdman

The Natural Hatchery by Brian Davis Reeves

The Hatchery Dilemma by Barbara A. Borst

Building Bridges, Not Dams: Lummi Reach Out to Neighbors by Nancy Hazzard

On The Nooksack: Three Days in the Life of a River by Greg Heffron

The Battle for Arlecho by Michael Wewer

Getting There by Mark J. Lehner

Xwomiksten by Darren Nienaber

Lacandone by Rachel C. Platt

A Tale of Two Wells by Gillian Vik

Diving in Head First by Gillian Vik

City Council Proposes Wall by Maurice Austin

An Open Letter to the Lummi by Hellen Buller

X'pai'epl by Michael D. Rayton




Publication at Western Washington University

Geographic Coverage

Washington (State)


Environmental Sciences | Higher Education | Journalism Studies


Student publication, Ecology, Environmental Studies

Document Type


Subject-Topical (LCSH)

Human ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals; Ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals

Subject-Names (LCNAF)

Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Huxley College of the Environment--Students--Periodicals


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The Planet, 1994, Winter

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