"Environmental Citizenship and Carbon Intensity; Evaluating the Carbon " by Andrea Jean Thomas

Senior Project Advisor

Abel, Troy D.

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2009


Local climate change, Carbon reduction, Carbon education


This honors senior project is composed of two separate, but integrated documents which, taken together, act as the foundation for a formal, systematic program evaluation model for the climate change education group Carbon Masters. The first section is comprised of a “policy analysis" proposal which outlines a policy problem, two solutions by which to address it, and a method by which to analyze the solutions for their effectiveness, efficacy, and community-building. The policy problem is defined as the fact that there are too little educational programs available to the public that offer valid, proactive, constructive and informational tools to empower ordinary citizens to deal with the complex issue of climate change. The second section of the project is comprised of a pre- experimental research design framework which attempts to analyze the Carbon Masters program as one of the solutions to the policy analysis problem. The research is not generalizable; however, the preexperiment serves as an evaluation tool for the program. The results of the study indicate that the program has some areas to improve upon to more sufficiently address the criteria in the policy analysis. However, it can be said that this program is on the right track toward addressing both the outcomes of the logic model and the Values-Beliefs-Norms Theory; the tenant standards that serve as the backbone of the study.


Environmental Sciences


There is no page 81 in this file but the project is intact.

Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Environmental education; Citizenship; Climatic changes--Study and teaching; Environmental policy


student projects; term papers




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