"Outdoor Therapy for Women: A Coming Home" by Drew Baty

Outdoor Therapy for Women: A Coming Home


Drew Baty

Senior Project Advisor

Lindsay Poynter

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2023


Outdoor therapy, women, girls, nature, outdoors, mental health


[This page links to an audiofile created in conjunction with this project. Please see the additional file attachment included with this page for the paper associated with this abstract.]

Humans have lived in much closer proximity to the natural world, until recently. Despite our separation from these places, there still lives an age-old connection between humans and the outdoors. Whether we’re using them to re-focus or relax, create change, or reconnect the inner self with the outer body–natural settings are undeniably a place of healing. And right now, women need this more than ever. The challenges of mental health for women and girls across the United States are increasing, shown by higher depression, anxiety, mental distress, and suicide rates (United Health Foundation, 2022). There is a great need for treatment that addresses the ever-changing, demanding, consumerist, and judgmental society in which girls are being raised. The answer here lies within the bounds of outdoor therapy. Through my research, I have found that the participation of women in outdoor therapy programs uniquely contributes to favorable outcomes compared to traditional therapeutic approaches.


Health and Human Development

Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Nature--Therapeutic use; Women--Mental health; Adventure therapy




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Baty capstone.PDF (335 kB)
The Power of Outdoor Therapy for Women
