Senior Project Advisor
Heather Moore
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2024
communication delay, early intervention, environmental arrangement, intentional communication, language disorders, naturalistic communication intervention, speech language-pathologist, rate of communication, toddlers
Language learning is an essential component of child development. Many children develop language naturally as they interact with their family and community, but some children experience communication delays due to unknown reasons or secondary to developmental disabilities. In these cases, naturalistic communication intervention (NCI) can improve a child’s language abilities. One component of NCIs, and the focus of this study, is environmental arrangement (EA). This study sought to understand the relationship between parent-implemented EA strategy use during daily home routines and child rate of communication. Eighteen sets of video recordings were transcribed and coded from a larger data set from the Language and Play Every Day program (LAPE) to be analyzed. Although this paper doesn't yet include the whole dataset, a statistically significant correlation between EA usage and child rate of communication was found.
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Recommended Citation
King, Beatrice A. and Brillault-Kenny, Anna, "Communication Temptation: An Examination of Environmental Arrangement Strategies in Early Intervention Settings" (2024). WWU Honors College Senior Projects. 788.
Subjects - Topical (LCSH)
Language acquisition; Language disorders in children; Speech therapy for children; Children--Language
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