Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Innate Immunity in Drosophila melanogaster, Susannah Bloom
Blooming Golgi: The Reformation of the Golgi and Centriolar Satellites, Rose Border
Transcriptomic Clues to Protein Homeostasis, Anna Byquist and Lina Dahlberg
Examining survival response following immune challenge in a Drosophila model of mitochondrial DNA depletion, Angshita Dutta
Beneath the Surface: Exploring Endospore-Forming Bacteria in Brassica Seeds, Emmy Formiga
Investigating the Role of ER-Associated Degradation in an Olfactory Neuron in the Nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, Heino Hulsey-Vincent
Identifying Genome Protective RNA Interference Factors in Tetrahymena thermophila, Lena Kay Johnson
Investigations of an RNA interference pathway in Tetrahymena thermophila, Lola Lang
Bloom or Bust: an interdisciplinary exploration of flowering plants and how climate change impacts them, Carolyn Schmode
The Fish Bites Back: A Developmental Analysis of Feeding Biomechanics in Danionin Minnows, Collin Shinkle
Modeling the impact of agricultural management practices on riverine N export in the transboundary Nooksack River watershed, Washington, Astoria Tershy
Fem in STEM: a short podcast series, Hannah Thorp and Lina Dahlberg
Twi Protein Contribution to Genome Integrity in Tetrahymena thermophila, Toby Traudt
Revealing epigenetic processes in Populus by looking at Chromatin accessibility with ATAC-seq, Elizabeth Wirsching
Shmoomics!, Winter Yi and Dan Pollard
Dine and Dash: Changing Harbor Seal Numbers and Habitat Use at the Developing Bellingham Waterfront, Holland Conwell
We Walk in Different Worlds, Olivia Dong
Examining harbor seal predation impacts on Bellingham Technical College's salmon smolt release, Madison Gard and Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez
Assessing Positioning of Centriolar Satellites by the Golgi Apparatus, Jonah Goodfried and Nick Galati
Can Larvae of a Deep-Sea Gastropod, Thalassonerita naticoidea, Swim to the Surface to Find Food in the Gulf of Mexico?, Mitchell Hebner
Keystone Species Explorer Website, Claire Hutchings
Polyunsaturated Aldehyde Production in the Salish Sea: A Survey of Benthic Diatom Producers and the Influence of Coastal Upwelling, Jeremy Johnson
The Diffusion Illusion: An interdisciplinary approach to modeling cellular calcium dynamics, Katie Lane
The Toxicity of Dopamine on Salish Sea Phytoplankton, Allyson Lombardo
The Impact of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on the Development of Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Megan Moma
A metagenomic analysis of the microbial communities associated with different hydrothermal vent chimneys, Laura Murray
To flee or not to flee: how range dynamic of alpine species are changing through time, LiAn Noonan
The effects of diatom-specific polyunsaturated aldehydes on larval zebrafish (Danio rerio), Rachel Raymer
“Emotions and the Ocean”: Integrating Social-Emotional Learning into a Fifth-Grade Science Curriculum, Madison Rossen
An Overview of Background and Experimental Methods Used to Investigate a ~23-24 nucleotide small RNA pathway and its Links to Genome Stability, Abigail Ruddick
The Foreign Earth: An Exercise in Speculative Biology, Aidyn Ruf
On Research Ethics: A Proposal for an Undergraduate Ethics Course using a Graduate Research Ethics Course as a Baseline, Jordan Sawyer
Complex Microbial Mat Communities Used to Assess Primer Selection for Targeted Amplicon Surveys, Lindsey Smith
Microbial Community Dynamics During Key Life History Transitions in the Deep-Sea Chemosymbiotic Mussel, Gigantidas childressi, Tessa F. Beaver
Characterization of phenotypic traits related to loss-of-function and ectopic expression of bHLH093 and bHLH061 in Arabidopsis thaliana, Leila Belhadjali
The Secret Life of Diatoms: An Exploration of the Fascinating World of Diatoms through the Art of Printmaking, Zofia Danielson
Measuring mtDNA in Drosophila, Lola Demurger
Promoting pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) recovery in the Salish Sea: The effects of fluctuating temperature and elevated CO2 on survival, growth, and radula morphology, Elizabeth Janie Diehl
Primary cilia display a non-uniform response to intracellular calcium release, Hannah R. Fisher
Breeding Sweet Corn for Vitamin A, Sam Herr and Dan Pollard
Foraging ecology of sexually-dimorphic marine generalist predators: describing stellar sea lion diet along the northern Washington coast, Zöe Kathryn Lewis
Predator-induced Hatching Plasticity of Northeastern Pacific Coast Nudibranchs, Geoffrey Masato Mayhew
The effect of Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology on the foraging success of individual harbor seals, Kathleen Anne McKeegan
The Heritability of Mandible Length in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Danielle K. Ringo
All Creatures Great and Small: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Veterinary Medicine, Amelia Schlemmer
Alga of My Eye, Determining the Ability of Palmaria palmata to Bioaccumulate Metals, Cameron Smith
Cupid’s Arrow: A Tale of a Complex and Dynamic Protein, Nadine Tietz
The Graph Menagerie: An exploration of the intersection of math, biology, and art, Maggie Barry
The Marine World: Its Misrepresentation in Popular Depictions, Ryan T. Brubaker
Protein Composition: Translating Amino Acid Sequences into Music, Melody Campbell
Biodegradable plastic degradation products alter germination and growth of Aspergillus, Taylor Cofer
Wonder Women, Zoe O. Johnson
Catcher and the Fry: Ecology, Power, and My Life with Salmon, Olivia Mueller
Spike Protein Antibody Interactions Elicited by the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine, Meghan Quinlan
The Possible Presence of Mycorrhizae in the Chuckanut Marsh Wetland and the Lamentable Absence of Personality in Scientific Communication, Evangeline Schmitt
Hybridization between an invasive fruit fly and a variably plastic native sibling species, Weston Staubus
Mapping Genetic Variants Associated with Dynamic Protein Abundance in Haploid Yeast, Tanner Thuet-Davenport
Regulation of Glutamate Receptor (GLR-1) Under Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Caenorhabditis elegans, Janie Aguilera
The Impacts of Sex-Specific Diets of a Marine Predator on Ecosystem Models, Jonathan Blubaugh
Analysis of the role of RNA silencing protein 1 (Rsp1) in the biogenesis of ~23-24 nt sRNAs in Tetrahymena thermophila, Samantha Elizabeth O'Keffe Neff Ernest
From the inside out: How the Golgi drives ciliary Ca2+ signaling, Hannah Fisher
Effect of a Coevolved Parasitic Nematode on Fitness of the Desert Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos), Holly Flann
A Non-Invasive Technique for Tracking a Marine Predator (Phoca vitulina) Through Molecular Scat Analysis, Nathaniel Guilford
Survival, growth, and radula morphology of postlarval pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) when fed six species of benthic diatoms, Lillian Miller Kuehl
An Overview of Hypotheses and Supporting Evidence Regarding Drivers of Insect Gigantism in the Permo-Carboniferous, Ryssa Parks
Neural Signaling Dynamics of Conditioning in C. elegans, Micaela R. Pribic
Investigating the effects of climate co-stressors on surf smelt energy demands, Megan Russell
COVID-19: Isolation and Vaccinations, Jesika Smith
Genomic Insights and Ecological Adaptations of Deep-Subsurface and Near Subsurface Thermococcus Isolates, Lilja Caitlin Strang
Community Structure of Benthic Microbial Mats at Hydrothermal Springs in Crater Lake, Oregon, Amanda Stromecki
Investigating the effects of glutamate trafficking and receptor mutations on the unfolded protein response (UPR) in C. elegans, Savanna Takasaki
Codon bias and mRNA folding stability: Two natural controls of protein expression dynamics, Anastacia Wienecke
Attitudes towards harbor seal presence in downtown Bellingham, WA, Alisa Aist
Partial Migration of Steelhead in the Puget Sound: an ICP-MS Analysis of Steelhead Otoliths, Nikhil Amin
Impacts of Mixed Trophic Interactions in the Strait of Georgia: Are Seals Saving the Salmon?, Jonathan Blubaugh
The Next Generation Science Standards: Saving K-12 Science Education, Kaitlin Caylor
Cytochrome P450 Protein Family 4 Conservation and Diversification Among Flies, Kevin Croft
A study of the ABC flowering genes in Passiflora caerulea, Chase Danell and Falena Walker
Protein Quality Control at the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Nucleus in Caenorhabditis elegans, Daniel Hassell
The effect of anthropogenic noise disturbance on day-time haul out patterns of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) at two sites available at all tide levels., Wyatt Heimbichner Goebel
Spatiotemporal Diversity of Alpine Snow Algae Communities in the Pacific Northwest, Rachael C. Mallon
The Microbiome and Medicine: The Relationship between Early-life Colonization and Health Outcomes such as Asthma and Allergies, Madeline May
Unraveling genetic interactions at the primary cilium, Bailey McCurdy
Effects of sport fishing on harbor seal hunting success, Madison McKay
Does adaptation to harsh environments provide protection against parasites?, Arielle Michaelis