Geology Faculty Publications | Geology | Western Washington University




Reflectance spectroscopy datasets for the validation of TANAGER, Kristiana Lapo, Kathleen Hoza, Sammy Theuer, and Melissa S. Rice


Mastcam-Z multispectral database from the Perseverance rover’s traverse through the Jezero fan front, Mars (sols 0-707), Melissa Rice, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Bradley Garczynski, Chase C. Million, Michael St. Clair, Sabrina Curtis, Sierra Brown, Alicia Vaughan, Briony N. Horgan, Kristiana Lapo, Eleni Ravanis, Adrian Broz, Athanathios Klidaras, Louise Duflot, Alivia Eng, Bavani Kathir, Stephan Devis, Acacia A. Evans, James Haber, Marco Merusi, Kjartan B. Kinch, Alex Hayes, and James F. Bell



Mastcam multispectral database from the Curiosity rover’s traverse in the Gale crater, Mars (sols 2302-3672), Alivia Eng, Melissa S. Rice, Michael St. Clair, Chase C. Million, Sierra Brown, Christina Seeger, Lee Adair, Cory Hughes, Acacia A. Evans, and Katelyn Frizzell



Google Earth Model of the southern Alisitos Arc crustal section, Baja California, Rebecca Morris, Sarah Medynski, Susan M. DeBari, and Cathy Busby


Mastcam multispectral database from the Curiosity rover’s traverse in Gale crater, Mars (sols 0-2302), Melissa S. Rice


Mastcam-Z multispectral database from the Perseverance rover’s traverse in the Jezero crater floor, Mars (sols 0-380), Melissa S. Rice, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Chase C. Million, Michael St. Clair, Briony N. Horgan, Alicia Vaughan, Jorge I. Núñez, Bradley Garczynski, Sabrina Curtis, Kjartan B. Kinch, Marco Merusi, Alex Hayes, James F. Bell, Louise Duflot, Kristiana Lapo, Acacia A. Evans, Alivia Eng, Edward Cloutis, Adrian Brown, and Andrew A. Annex



Metamorphism of the Sierra de Maz and implications for the tectonic evolution of the MARA terrane, Andrew Tholt, Sean R. Mulcahy, William C. McClelland, Sarah M. Roeske, Vinícius T. Meira, Patricia Webber, Emily Houlihan, Matthew A. Coble, and Jeffrey D. Vervoort



Subduction Initiation and Early Evolution of the Easton Metamorphic Suite, Northwest Cascades, Washington, Jeremy L. Cordova, Sean R. Mulcahy, Elizabeth R. Schermer, and Laura E. Webb


Particle Size Specific Magnetic Properties Across the Norwegian‐Greenland Seas: Insights Into the Influence of Sediment Source and Texture on Bulk Magnetic Records, Robert G. Hatfield, Benjamin H. Wheeler, Brendan T. Reilly, Joseph S. Stoner, and Bernard A. Housen


Building Arc Crust: Plutonic to Volcanic Connections in an Extensional Oceanic Arc, the Southern Alisitos Arc, Baja California, Rebecca A. Morris, Susan M. DeBari, Cathy Busby, Sarah Medynski, and Brian R. Jicha



Paleomagnetism and Rotation History of the Blue Mountains, Oregon, USA, Bernard A. Housen


Construction, Emplacement, and Geochemical Evolution of Deep-Crustal Intrusions: Tenpeak and Dirtyface Plutons, North Cascades, Western North America, Robert B. Miller, Susan M. DeBari, and Scott R. Paterson


Early Onset of Franciscan Subduction, Sean R. Mulcahy, Jesslyn K. Starnes, Howard W. Day, Matthew A. Coble, and Jeffrey D. Vervoort


Biogenic Weathering: Solubilization of Iron from Minerals by Epilithic Freshwater Algae and Cyanobacteria, George E. Mustoe


U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Evidence for an Arctic Origin of Terranes in Northwestern Washington, Elizabeth R. Schermer, Eric A. Hoffnagle, Edwin H. Brown, George E. Gehrels, and William C. McClelland


The Recent Volcanic History of Axial Seamount: Geophysical Insights into Past Eruption Dynamics with an Eye Toward Enhanced Observations of Future Eruptions, William Wilcock, Robert Dziak, Maya Tolstoy, William Chadwick, Scott Nooner, DelWayne Bohnenstiel, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, Felix Waldhauser, Adrien Amulf, Christian Ballard, Tai-Kwan Lau, Joseph Haxel, Yen Joe Tan, Charles Garcia, Samuel Levy, and M. Everett Mann



Explosive Processes during the 2015 Eruption of Axial Seamount, as Recorded by Seafloor Hydrophones, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, R. P. Dziak, J. Haxel, D. R. Bohnenstiehl, and C. Garcia


A Pulsed-air Model of Blue Whale B Call Vocalizations, R. P. Dziak, J. H. Haxel, T-K. Lau, S. Heimlich, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, D. K. Mellinger, H. Matsumoto, and B. Mate


Phillipsite and Al-tobermorite Mineral Cements Produced through Low-Temperature Water-Rock Reactions in Roman Marine Concrete, Marie D. Jackson, Sean R. Mulcahy, Heng Chen, Yao Li, Qinfei Li, Piergiulio Cappelletti, and Hans-Rudolf Wenk


Phillipsite and Al-tobermorite Mineral Cements Produced through Low-Temperature Water-Rock Reactions in Roman Marine Concrete, Sean R. Mulcahy, Marie D. Jackson, Heng Chen, Yao Li, Piergiulio Cappelletti, and Hans-Rudolf Wenk


Steady 10Be-derived Paleoerosion Rates across the Plio-Pleistocene Climate Transition, Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, California, M. E. Oskin, N. E. Longinotti, T. C. Peryam, R. J. Dorsey, C. J. DeBoer, Bernard A. Housen, and K. D. Blisniuk



Surface Slip During Large Owens Valley Fault Earthquakes, Elizabeth K. Haddon, Colin B. Amos, O. Zielke, A. S. Jayko, and R. Bürgmann


Structural and Antiferromagnetic Properties of Ba(Fe1−x−yCoxRhy)2As2 compounds, M. G. Kim, T. W. Heitmann, Sean R. Mulcahy, E. D. Bourret-Courchesne, and R. J. Birgeneau



Unblocking Temperatures of Viscous Remanent Magnetism in Displaced Granitic Boulders, Icicle Creek Glacial Moraines (Washington, USA), Juliet G. Crider, Danika M. Globokar, Russ F. Burmester, and Bernard A. Housen


Interactions between Water, Earth's Surface, and Human Activity, Susan M. DeBari


Long-term Explosive Degassing, Debris Flows and Volatile Release at West Mata Submarine Volcano, R. P. Dziak, D. R. Bohnenstiehl, E. T. Baker, H. Matsumoto, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, R. W. Embley, S. L. Walker, T. -K. Lau, and W. W. Chadwick Jr.


Chemical and Pb Isotope Composition of Phenocrysts from Bentonites Constrains the Chronostratigraphy around the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in the Hell Creek Region, Montana, Ryan B. Ickert, Sean R. Mulcahy, Courtney J. Sprain, Jessica F. Banaszak, and Paul R. Renne


Multi-episodic Remagnetization Related to Deformation in the Pyrenean Internal Sierras, Esther Izquierdo-Llavall, Antonio Casas Sainz, Belén Oliva-Urcia, Russ F. Burmester, Emilio L. Pueyo, and Bernard A. Housen


Expedition 350 Summary, Y. Tamura, C. J. Busby, P. Blum, G. Guèrin, G. D.M. Andrews, A. K. Barker, J. L.R. Berger, E. M. Bongiolo, M. Bordiga, Susan M. DeBari, J. B. Gill, C. Hamelin, J. Jia, E. H. John, A.-S. Jonas, J. Jutzeler, M A.C. Kars, Z. A. Kita, K. Konrad, S. H. Mahony, M. Martini, T. Myiazaki, R. J. Musgrave, D. B. Nascimento, A. R.L. Nichols, J. M. Ribeiro, T. Sato, J. C. Schindlbeck, A. K. Schmitt, S. M. Straub, M. J. Vautravers, and Y. Yang


Expedition 350 Methods, Y. Tamura, C. J. Busby, P. Blum, G. Guèrin, G. D.M. Andrews, A. K. Barker, J. L. R. Berger, E. M. Bongiolo, M. Bordiga, Susan M. DeBari, J. B. Gill, C. Hamelin, J. Jia, E. H. John, A. -S. Jonas, M. Jutzeler, M. A.C. Kars, Z. A. Kita, K. Konrad, S. H. Mahoney, M. Martini, T. Miyazaki, R. J. Musgrave, D. B. Nascimento, A. R.L. Nichols, J. M. Ribeiro, T. Sato, J. C. Schindlbeck, A. K. Schmitt, S. M. Straub, M. J. Vautravers, and Y. Yang



Hydroacoustic Investigations of Submarine Landslides at West Mata Volcano, Lau Basin, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, R. P. Dziak, D. R. Bohnenstiehl, W. W. Chadwick, and T. -K. Lau


Crustal Shortening, Exhumation, and Strain Localization in a Collisonal Orogen: the Bajo Pequeno Shear Zone, Sierra de Pie de Palo, Argentina, Joshua M. Garber, Sarah M. Roeske, Jessica Warren, Sean R. Mulcahy, William C. McClelland, Lauren J. Austin, Paul R. Renne, and Graciela I. Vujovich


Multiple Migmatite Events and Cooling from Granulite Facies Metamorphism within the Famatina Arc Margin of Northwest Argentina, Sean R. Mulcahy, Sarah M. Roeske, William C. McClelland, Joshua R. Ellis, Fred Jourdan, Paul R. Renne, Jeffrey D. Vervoort, and Graciela I. Vujovich


Holocene Earthquakes and Right-lateral Slip on the Left-lateral Darrington-Devils Mountain Fault Zone, Northern Puget Sound, Washington, Stephen F. Personius, Richard W. Briggs, Alan R. Nelson, Elizabeth R. Schermer, J. Zebulon Maharrey, Brian L. Sherrod, Sarah A. Spaulding, and Lee-Ann Bradley


Izu-Bonin-Mariana Rear Arc: The Missing Half of the Subduction Factory, Yoshihiko Tamura, Abigail K. Barker, Cathy J. Busby, Julien L.R. Berger, Peter Blum, Everton M. Bongiolo, Gilles Guèrin, Manuela Bordiga, Graham D.M. Andrews, Susan M. DeBari, James B. Gill, Cedric Hamelin, Jihui Jia, Eleanor H. John, Ann-Sophie Jonas, Martin Jutzeler, Myriam A.C. Kars, Zachary A. Kita, Kevin Konrad, Susan H. Mahony, Michelangelo Martini, Takashi Miyazaki, Robert J. Musgrave, Debora B. Nascimento, Alexander R.L. Nichols, Julia M. Ribeiro, Tomoki Sato, Julie C. Schindlbeck, Axel K. Schmitt, Susanne M. Straub, Maryline J. Vautravers, and Yang Yang



Data Report: Paleomagnetic Measurements of Igneous Rocks from Shatsky Rise Expedition 324, Bernard A. Housen, Margaret Pueringer, and William Sager


Post-Caledonian Brittle Fault Zones on the Hyperextended SW Barents Sea Margin: New Insights into Onshore and Offshore Margin Architecture, Kjetil Indrevær, Steffen G. Bergh, Jean-Baptiste Koehl, John-Are Hansen, Elizabeth R. Schermer, and Arild Ingebrigtsen


Unlocking the Secrets of Al-tobermorite in Roman Seawater Concrete, Marie D. Jackson, Sejung R. Chae, Sean R. Mulcahy, Cagla Meral, Rae Taylor, Penghui Li, Abdul-Hamid Emwas, Juhyuk Moon, Seyoon Yoon, Gabriele Vola, Hans-Rudolf Wenk, and Paulo J.M. Monteiro


Melt Inclusion Evidence for Magma Evolution at Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka, K. Robertson, A. Simon, T. Pettke, Sean R. Mulcahy, E. Smith, O. Selyangin, A. Kiryukhin, and J. D. Walker



Late Holocene Rupture History of the Alpine Fault in South Westland, New Zealand, Kelvin Berryman, Alan Cooper, Richard Norris, Pilar Villamor, Rupert Sutherland, Trevor Wright, Elizabeth R. Schermer, Robert Langridge, and Glenn Biasi


Map of the late Quaternary active Kern Canyon and Breckenridge faults, southern Sierra Nevada, California, C. C. Brossy, K. I. Kelson, Colin B. Amos, J. N. Baldwin, B. Kozlowicz, D. Simpson, M. G. Ticci, A. T. Lutz, O. Kozaci, A. Streig, R. Turner, and R. Rose


Cascadia Fore Arc Seismic Survey: Open-Access Data Available, W. Steven Holbrook, Graham Kent, Katie Keranan, H. Paul Johnson, Anne Trehu, Harold Tobin, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, and Jeff Beeson



The 2007 Nazko, British Columbia, Earthquake Sequence: Injection of Magma Deep in the Crust beneath the Anahim Volcanic Belt, J. F. Cassidy, N. Balfour, C. Hickson, H. Kao, R. White, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, S. Mazzotti, G. C. Rogers, I. Al-Khoubbi, A. L. Bird, L. Esteban, M. Kelman, J. Hutchinson, and D. McCormack


Rock Magnetism of Hematitic "Bombs" From the Araguainha Impact Structure, Brazil, Luigi Jovane, Elder Yokoyama, Takele Seda, Russ F. Burmester, Ricardo I.F. Trindade, and Bernard A. Housen


Structural Evolution of a Composite Middle to Lower Crustal Section: The Sierra de Pie de Palo, Northwest Argentina, Sean R. Mulcahy, S. M. Roeske, W. C. McClelland, F. Jourdan, A. Iriondo, P. R. Renne, J. D. Vervoort, and G. I. Vujovich



Along-Strike Growth of the Ostler Fault, New Zealand: Consequences for Drainage Deflection above Active Thrust, Colin B. Amos, Douglas W. Burbank, and Stuart A. L. Read


Late Quaternary slip rate on the Kern Canyon fault at Soda Spring, Tulare County, California, Colin B. Amos, Keith I. Kelson, Dylan H. Rood, David T. Simpson, and Ronn S. Rose


Recent and Future Warm Extreme Events and High-mountain Slope Stability, C. Huggel, N. Salzmann, S. Allen, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, L. Fischer, W. Haeberli, C. Larsen, D. Schneider, and R. Wessels


Chemical Structure of Vanadium-based Contact Formation on n-AIN, S. Pookpanratana, R. France, M. Blum, Sean R. Mulcahy, A. Bell, M. Bär, L. Weinhardt, Y. Zhang, T. Hofmann, O. Fuchs, W. Yang, J. D. Denlinger, T. D. Moustakas, and C. Heske


Insights into Rock-Ice Avalanche Dynamics by Combined Analysis of Seismic Recordings and a Numerical Avalanche Mode, Demian Schneider, Perry Bartelt, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, Marc Christen, Christian Huggel, and Brian W. McArdell



Every Equation Tells a Story: Using “Equation Dictionaries” in Introductory Geophysics, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach


Quaternary Deformation Along the Wharekauhau Fault System, North Island, New Zealand: Implications for an Unstable Linkage Between Active Strike-Slip and Thrust Faults, Elizabeth R. Schermer, Timothy A. Little, and Uwe Rieser



Data Report: Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Measurements on Hole U1301B Basaltic Samples, Bernard A. Housen, William W. Sager, and Lisa M. Linville


Recent Extreme Avalanches: Triggered by Climate Change?, Christian Huggel, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, and Rick Wessels



Channel Width Response to Differential Uplift, Colin B. Amos and Douglas W. Burbank


Geomorphic Constraints on Listric Thrust Faulting: Implications for Active Deformation in the Mackenzie Basin, South Island, New Zealand, Colin Amos, Douglas W. Burbank, David C. Nobes, and Stuart A. L. Read


Precursory Seismicity Associated With Frequent, Large Ice Avalanches on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, USA, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach and Christian Huggel


Excess Silica in Omphacite and the Formation of Free Silica in Eclogite, H. W. Day and Sean R. Mulcahy


Pleistocene Brawley and Ocotillo Formations: Evidence for Initial Strike-Slip Deformation Along the San Felipe and San Jacinto Fault Zones, Southern California, Stefan M. Kirby, Susanne U. Janecke, Rebecca J. Dorsey, Bernard A. Housen, Victoria E. Langenheim, Kristin A. McDougall, and Alexander N. Steely



Depth Distribution of Magnetofossils in Near-Surface Sediments From the Blake/Bahama Outer Ridge, Western North Atlantic Ocean, Determined by Low-Temperature Magnetism, Bernard A. Housen and Bruce M. Moskowitz



Comment on "Paleomagnetism and Geochronology of the Ecstall Pluton in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia: Evidence for Local, Myrl E. Beck Jr. and Bernard A. Housen


Paleomagnetism and Tectonic Significance of Albian and Cenomanian Turbidites, Ochoco Basin, Mitchell Inlier, Central Oregon, Bernard A. Housen and Rebecca J. Dorsey



Magnetic and Clast Fabrics as Measurements of Grain-Scale Processes Within the Death Valley Shallow Crustal Detachment Faults, Nicholas W. Hayman, Bernard A. Housen, T. T. Cladouhos, and K. Livi


Earthquake Triggering at Alaskan Volcanoes Following the 3 November 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake, Seth C. Moran, John A. Power, Scott D. Stihler, John J. Sa´nchez, and Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach



Pre-Drift Extension of the Atlantic Margins of North America and Europe Based on Paths of Permo-Triassic Apparent Polar Wander, Myrl E. Beck Jr. and Bernard A. Housen


Paleomagnetism of the Mt. Stuart Batholith Revisited Again: What Has Been Learned Since 1972?, Bernard A. Housen, Myrl E. Beck Jr., and Russ R. Burmester



HUGO:The Hawaii Undersea Geo-Observatory, Fred K. Duennebier, David Harris, James Jolly, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, Robert Jordan, Kurt Stiffel, and Jeff Bosel



The Palaeomagnetism of Lesbos, NE Aegean, and the Eastern Mediterranean Inclination Anomaly, Myrl E. Beck Jr., Russ R. Burmester, Despina P. Kondopoulou, and Artemios Atzemoglou


Seismic and Acoustic Signals Detected at Loihi Seamount by the Hawaii Undersea Geo-Observatory, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach and F. Duennebier


Seismicity and Velocity Structure of Loihi Seamount from the 1996 Earthquake Swarm, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach and F. K. Duennebier


Hydroacoustic Detection of Submarine Landslides on Kilauea Volcano, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, Christopher G. Fox, and Frederick K. Duennebier



Origin of Intraplate Volcanoes from Guyot Heights and Oceanic Paleodepth, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, Fred Duennebier, and Garrett Ito



Directional Properties of P-wave Velocities and Acoustic Anisotropy in Different Structural Domains of the Northern Barbados Ridge Accretionary Prism Complex, Bernard A. Housen, W. Bruckmann, and K. Moran


Magnetic Properties of Leg 158 Cores: the Origin of Remanence and its Relation to Alteration and Mineralization of the Active TAG Mound, Bernard A. Housen, Xixi Zhao, Peter Solheid, and Weixin Xu



Researchers Rapidly Respond to Submarine Activity at Loihi Volcano, Hawaii, F. K. Duennenbier, N. C. Becker, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, D. A. Clague, J. Cowen, M. Cremer, M. Garcia, F. Goff, A. Malahoff, G. M. McMurtry, B. P. Midson, Craig L. Moyer, N. Norman, P. Okubo, J. A. Resing, J. M. Rhodes, K. Rubin, F. J. Sansone, J. R. Smith, K. Spencer, X. Wen, and C. G. Wheat


Magnetic Anisotropy of Barbados Prism Sediments, Bernard A. Housen


Structural Geology of the Décollement at the Toe of the Barbados Accretionary Prism, Alex Maltman, Pierre Labaume, and Bernard A. Housen


Hessian (Leonardian, Middle Lower Permian) Depositional Sequences and Their Fusulinid Zones, West Texas, Charles A. Ross and June R. P. Ross


Nealian and Lenoxian (Wolfcampian, Lower Permian) Depositional Sequences, Fusulinid Facies and Biostratigraphy, Glass Mountains, Texas, Charles A. Ross and June R. P. Ross



Timing of Latest Eocene Molluscan Extinction Patterns in Mississippi, David M. Hassl and Thor A. Hansen


Low Temperature Magnetic Properties of Siderite and Magnetite in Marine Sediments, Bernard A. Housen, S. K. Banerjee, and B. M. Moskowitz


Naticid Gastropod Prey Selectivity Through Time and the Hypothesis of Escalation, Patricia H. Kelley and Thor A. Hansen


Late Cenozoic Structure and Tectonics of the Northern Mojave Desert, Elizabeth R. Schermer, B. P. Luyendyk, and S. Cisowski



Spatial Variation of Naticid Gastropod Predation in the Eocene of North-America, Thor A. Hansen and Patricia H. Kelley


Magnetic Anisotropy Fabrics from the Cascadia Accretionary Prism, Bernard A. Housen and Takaharu Sato



A Tale of 2 Continents – Some Tectonic Contrasts between the Central Andes and the North American Cordillera, as Illustrated by the Paelomagnetic Signatures, Myrl E. Beck Jr., Russ R. Burmester, Robert E. Drake, and Paul D. Riley



ODP Leg 146 Examines Fluid Flow in Cascadia Margin, Bernard A. Housen


Evolution of the Naticid Gastropod Predator-Prey System: An Evaluation of the Hypothesis of Escalation, Patricia H. Kelley and Thor A. Hansen


Paleomagnetic Evidence of Vertical Axis Block Rotations from the Mesozoic of Northern Chile, Paul D. Riley, Myrl E. Beck Jr., Russ R. Burmester, Constantino Mpodozis, and Alfredo Garcia


Paleomagnetism and Tectonics of the Crescent Formation, North Olympic Mountains, Washington, Andrew C. Warnock, Russ R. Burmester, and David C. Engebretson



A Rifted Margin Origin for the Crescent Basalts and Related Rocks in the Northern Coast Range Volcanic Province, Washington and British-Columbia, Randall Scott Babcock, Russ R. Burmester, David C. Engebretson, A. C. Warnock, and K. P. Clark



Metamorphic Evidence for Tilt of the Spuzzum Pluton – Diminished Basis for the Baja British-Columbia Concept, E. H. Brown and Russ R. Burmester


Paleomagnetism of the Patagonian Plateau Basalts, Southern Chile and Argentina, Robert F. Butler, Francisco Herve, Francisco Munizaga, Myrl E. Beck Jr., Russ R. Burmester, and Eduardo S. Oviedo



Postfolding Remagnetization that Passes the Fold Test, Russ R. Burmester, Myrl E. Beck Jr., and D. R. Bazard



Biostratigraphic Zonation of Late Paleozoic Depositional Sequences, Charles A. Ross and June R. P. Ross


Late Paleozoic Sea Levels and Depositional Sequences, Charles A. Ross and June R. P. Ross



Paleomagnetism of Middle Tertiary Volcanic-Rocks from the Western Cascade Series, Northern California, Myrl E. Beck Jr., Russ R. Burmester, Douglas E. Craig, C. Sherman Gromme, and Ray E. Wells


Cretaceous Paleomagnetism of the Methow-Pasayten Belt, Washington, Russ R. Burmester, Myrl E. Beck Jr., and Julian L. Granierer



Tertiary Peleomagnetism of the North Cascade Range, Washington, Myrl E. Beck Jr., Russ R. Burmester, and Ruth Schoonover



Pennsylvanian and Early Permian Depositional Framework, Southeastern Arizona, Charles A. Ross