Assessment of riparian conditions in the Nooksack River Basin with the combination of LiDAR, multi-spectral imagery and GIS, Erica M. Capuana
Nutritional role of microalgae in the diet of first stage brachyuran crab larvae, Nicole J. (Nicole Janette) Casper
Effects of ocean acidification on dispersal behavior in the larval stage of the Dungeness crab and the Pacific Green Shore crab, Anna-Mai F. (Anna-Mai Florentine) Christmas
Summer phytoplankton diversity in small lakes of Northwest Washington, Rachael D. (Rachael Dawn) Gravon
Regional risk assessment of the Puyallup River Watershed and the evaluation of low impact development in meeting management goals, Eleanor Hines
Factors affecting the distribution and abundance of the Salish sucker (Catostomus sp.): an endemic and endangered transboundary fish population, Nathaniel S. (Nathaniel Stuart) Lundgren
Influence of Sex and Body Mass on Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) Diving Behavior, A. Sasha (Alexandra Sasha) McFarland
Mountain goat genetic diversity and population connectivity in Washington and Southern British Columbia, Leslie C. (Leslie Claire) Parks
Toxicity of Herbicide Mixtures: Atrazine and RoundupĀ® Toxicity to Daphnia Magna, Jennifer A. Stiles
Cougar genetic variation and gene flow in a heterogeneous landscape, Matthew J. (Matthew James) Warren
Phytoplankton ecology in four high-elevation lakes of the North Cascades, WA, Siana Wong
Non-lethal determination of heavy metals in spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) spines using LA-ICP-MS, Clayton L. (Clayton Louis) Bailes
An analysis of agricultural land-use effects on surface water quality in Skagit County streams, MarySutton Carruthers
Integrating ensemble species distribution modeling and statistical phylogeography to inform projections of climate change impacts on species distributions, Brenna R. Forester
Lipids of the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima: season and symbiont affect content and fractionation, Monica R. Ponce-McDermott
Traditional and alternative delivery methods of general chemistry labs: environmental, monetary, and pedagogical comparisons, Sarah Steely
The use of a Bayesian network to calculate the risks of mercury contamination to fish and birds of the South River, Virginia, Heather M. Summers
Seasonal and age-based aspects of diet of the introduced redside shiner (Richardsonius balteatus) in Ross Lake, Washington, Carmen A. (Carmen Ann) Welch
Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs: sorting out nutritional deficiency from toxicity effects, Amy K. (Amy Keita) Burgess
Iron and manganese reduction in Bering Sea shelf sediments, Margaret E.S. Esch
The influence of humic acid and water hardness on the partitioning of silver ions and nanoparticles between fresh water and freshwater algae, Matthew D. Ferguson
Alternative foraging strategies among brown bears (Ursus arctos) fishing for chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) at McNeil River, Alaska, Ian D. (Ian David) Gill
Soils as a source of bioavailable phosphorus in the Lake Whatcom Watershed, Scott Groce
The effects of symbiotic state on heterotrophic feeding in the temperate anemone Anthopleura elegantissima, Terra C. (Terra Celeste) Hiebert
Sea level rise and sediment elevation dynamics in a hydrologically altered Puget Sound estuary, Kara D. Kuhlman
The first pre- and post-wildfire charcoal quantification using peroxide-acid digestion, Melissa R.A. Pingree
Evaluating the contribution to toxicity of weak black liquor in pulp mill effluents, Renee L. Ragsdale
Evaluation of high-latitude boreal forest growth using satellite-derived vegetation indices, Logan T. Berner
Habitat modeling using path analysis: delineating mountain goat habitat in the Washington Cascades, Tana Beus
Age determination of the sixgill shark from hard parts using a series of traditional and novel approaches, S. Jeffrey (Steven Jeffrey) Campbell
Elwha River sediments: phosphorus dynamics under diverse environmental conditions, Emily Cavaliere
Alien vs. predator: effects of a native predator on two invasive oyster drills and oysters in Washington State, Emily W. Grason
The effects of season and microhabitat on the distribution and nutritional contributions of two algal symbionts in the intertidal anemone Anthopleura xanthogrammica, Michael R. (Michael Rory) Levine
Burn severity and whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) regeneration in the North Cascades, Stephanie A. (Stephanie Annie) McDowell
Polyunsaturated aldehyde production by a temporally varying field assemblage of diatoms in the San Juan Island Archipelago: can diatom metabolites affect microzooplankton grazing?, Blair M. (Blair Michael) Paul
The Behavioral Response of Harbor Seals to Seasonal Prey Pulses of Spawning Pacific Herring, Austen C. Thomas
Viability of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch in relation to streamflow regulation in Terrell Creek, Washington, Ryan S. Vasak
Illuminating whole effluent toxicity testing: ultraviolet radiation, phototoxicity, and PAH-contaminated groundwater, Jason C. Fortner
Predation and thermal stress affect color change in the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia, Samantha L. Hamlin
Effects of salmon-derived nutrients on an artificial stream system, Danielle M. Love
Environmental Citizenship and Carbon Intensity; Evaluating the Carbon Masters Educational Program, Andrea Jean Thomas
A comparison of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages among kryal and rhithral lake outlets in the North Cascade Mountains, Kelley L. Turner
Growth and grazing of microzooplankton in response to the harmful alga Heterosigma akashiwo in prey mixtures, Sylvia Lynne Graham
A spatially explicit relative elevation model for Padilla Bay, Washington, Peter Kairis
The effects of the go for the green challenge on electricity use, behaviors, and attitudes of Western Washington University residents., Kimbrough Leverton Mauney
Habitat relationships and gene flow of Martes americana in northern Idaho, Tzeidle N. (Tzeidle Nichole) Wasserman
Shelter competition between native signal crayfish and non-native red swamp crayfish in Pine Lake, Sammamish, Washington: the role of size and sex, Karl W. Mueller
The Effect of Sculpin Presence on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Abundances in Chuckanut Creek, Washington, Sam Stoner
Environmental Injustice in Ecuador: Endangered Indigenous Populations and Environmental Degradation, Clover AnnEire Muters
My Experiences with Obstinate Autoanalyzers while doing Water Quality Analysis, Deborah Wilson
Urban Hydrologic Design: Water Balance Analysis, Conservation Techniques, and Feasibility Study of Rainwater Harvesting at Boundary Bay Brewery, Bellingham, Washington, Kerri Cook and Alasia Heinritz
Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program, Johanna Gillham
Applications in Landscape Ecology: A Simple Rule-Based Simulation Approach to Modeling Windthrow Disturbance in Forests of the Western Cascades in Oregon, Brendan C. (Brendan Charles) Ward
Ecosystem Factors Influencing the Success of Riparian Restoration in Whatcom County, Crystal Elliot
Water, Culture and Sewage: Sources and Solutions of River Pollution in Oaxaca de Juarez, Mexico, Kirsten Harma
Carbon Sequestration Projects: A Short-term Mitigation to Global Climate Change, Maria McGarry
King County Environmental Laboratory Internship Report, Kristen Weatherford
An Analysis of Pre-settlement Biomass and Vegetation in Northwest Whatcom County, Washington, circa Late 19th Century., Jayme Anne Gordon
Channel Restructuring Along Crystal Springs: Creating Salmon Habitat on a Lowland Stream, Lua Olsen
A Summer Internship with U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Regional Office, Everett, Washington, Lisa J. (Lisa Jo) Braly
Phellinus Weirii Root Rot of Douglas Fir in the Sehome Hill Arboretum: Distribution, Impact and Management Options, William G. (William Gary) Cantrell