Environmental Sciences Graduate and Undergraduate Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Western Washington University




A Search for Blue Carbon in Central Salish Sea Eelgrass Meadows, Mira D. (Mira Diana) Lutz

Influence of light intensity regime on the symbiotic functioning of arbuscular mycorrhizae in high phosphorus soils., Roslyn Martin


Vertical Distribution of Olympia oyster (Ostrea lurida) larvae in Fidalgo Bay, WA, Brooke A. McIntyre

Studying the Effects of Metal Toxicity in Lichen, Jared Miller

Bioavailability and Toxicity of Metal Mixtures Using the Tissue Residue Approach, Ian Moran

Distribution and Abundance of Waterfowl Species in Response to Dam Removal on the Elwha River, Sage Pollack and Ethan Duvall

Arthropod Richness and Abundance in the Reservoirs of the Elwha River, Washington, Bianca Scott and Ky White


The Effectiveness of Forested and Hedgerow Riparian Buffers for Buffering Water Temperature and Improving Fish Habitat in Agricultural Waterways in Western Washington, Jessica L. (Jessica Lynne) Shaw

Little Clams Make a Big Difference: Rochefortia tumida Obscure Juvenile Bivalves Survey Results on Clam Gardens, Alexandra Trejo


Interactive effects of ocean acidification and ocean warming on Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) early life stages, Cristina Villalobos



An Investigation of Acid Rock Drainage in Glacial Streams Through Multivariate Exploratory Analysis and the Biotic Ligand Model in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru., Edward W. Bain


Changes in Water Chemistry and Biological Communities Associated with Metal Mining in Streams in the North Cascades, Brooke G. Bannerman

Noise pollution impact on songbird behavior, Joycelyn Blue and Ellie Stoermer


Population Characteristics and Habitat Use by the Recently Introduced Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea) in Lake Whatcom, Washington, Jason A. (Jason Alexander) Buehler


Plant Community and Nutrient Development within Four Estuary Restoration Sites in Kitsap County, Washington, Shannon M. (Shannon Marie) Call

Effects of salmon carcasses on growth of riparian white spruce (Picea glauca) in Alaska: a long-term fertilization experiment, Alexa Camaioni

Investigating the Relationship Between an Invasive Species and Contamination in Stella’s Marsh, Edmonds, WA, Wyatt Carstens and Julia Ensign

Microhabitat Effects on Small Mammal Distributions in Chuckanut Mountains, Matthew Danielson and Logan Parr

A Changing Sea: the effects of temperature and CO2 to the temperate sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima and its green symbiont Elliptochloris marina, Kimberly Diep


Do Conspecific Soil Microorganisms Inhibit Potentilla recta?, Faythe Duran

Mobilization of arsenic from biotic disturbances in organoclay amended sediments., Austin Faccone and Meena Mortazavi


Characterization of an Unmanned Aerial System for Detection of Wetland Methane Emission Hotspots, Andrew D. Falabella, John A. Lund, and David O. Wallin

Lead sorption in aquatic environments, Rita Foth and Dylan White

Effects of Landscape and Environment on Turkey Vulture Distribution, Lydia Houston

Lead sorption constants in organoclay, activated carbon, apatite, and freshwater sediment, Eddie Kramarevsky and Charlie Christenson

Metal Mixture effects on uptake and bioavailability in Lactuca sativa seedlings, Eric Lawrence

Northwestern Salamander Site Selection for Egg Deposition, Kelly Melville and Alise Rector

Investigating glacial recession in the Cordillera Blanca of Peru using Landsat imagery, Eli Merrell

Determining Elk Browse Patterns in Northwest Washington, Nicole Miller

Metal Mixture Toxicity to Lettuce Seedlings (Lactuca sativa), Ian Moran


GIS Suitability Analysis to Identify Critical Habitat for the Cascades Frog (Rana cascadae), Victoria Niewohner

Calves, Corridors, and Caribou: Massive Mammalian Migration in Canada’s NWT, Lauren Øde


Reduced Light Availability Diminishes Mycorrhizal Growth Response of Invasive Forb, Regina O'Kelley


Simulation Modeling of Population Expansion for Introduced Mountain Goats in the Olympic Mountains of Washington State, Melissa M. Oscarson

A Sustainable cities project: understanding the ecological history of Stella’s marsh through a phase I environmental site assessment, Emily Rahlmann and Monica Hope


Victimizing Cap-and-Trade: How Policy Narratives Influence Policy Realities, Alyssa Rehwald


Elk Abundance Estimation and Road Ecology in Whatcom and Skagit Counties, Washington, Nathan C. Rice

Variations in abundance of Psuedacris regilla in relation to canopy and shrub cover near bodies of water in the Chuckanut Mountains, WA, Max Stecher


Effectiveness of Salmon Carcass Analogs as a Form of Nutrient Enhancement for Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Three Lower Columbia Watersheds, Matthew T. Sturza



The Influence of ectomycorrhizal colonization on American chestnut trees (Castanea dentata) with regard to growth, fecundity, and susceptibility to chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica)., John Adamson

Sediment Quality Triad Analysis at a Model Toxics Control Act Site in Anacortes, Washington, Miranda Aiken


Fine-scale Topoclimate Modeling and Climatic Treeline Prediction of Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) in the American Southwest, Jamis M. Bruening


Black Cottonwood (Populus Trichocarpa) Nutrition in the Dewatered Lake Aldwell Reservoir on the Elwha River, Washington, Ezra H. Citron


Soil Conditions and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Spore Abundance and Distribution in Dewatered Reservoir Sediments after Dam Removal, Kari Clausen


The Effect of High-Intensity Visible Light on the Bloom Niches of the Phototrophic Dinoflagellates Alexandrium fundyense and Heterocapsa rotundata, Elizabeth C. (Elizabeth Colleen) Cooney


Fish Abundance and Habitat Recommendations of the Lake Whatcom Tributaries, Ariel Edwards

Environmental Risk Assessment of Terrestrial and Freshwater Habitat for Cherry Point, WA, Andrew Egbert and Audrey Lugar


A Dynamic Bayesian Approach for Integrating Climate Change into a Multi-Stressor Ecological Risk Assessment for the Mercury Contaminated South River and Upper Shenandoah River, Lara Gaasland-Tatro


Predicting Risk to Estuary Water Quality and Patterns of Benthic Environmental DNA in Queensland, Australia using Bayesian Networks, Scarlett E. Graham

Lichen As A Biomonitoring Tool: Analysis of Train Emissions With SEM Imaging and Sequential Extractions, Gunnar Guddal and Henry Cade

Vegetation Composition and Fish Presence within an Urbanized Tidal Marsh: The Importance of Baseline Data, Chelsea Harris


Sehome Hill Arboretum Trail Decommissioning Follow Up, Calvin Heslop

Wildlife Diversity Differences Between Agate Pond Preserve and Chuckanut Community Forest, Chelsea Johnson and Elaine Lytle

Population size estimate of garter snakes, thamnophis spp., using capture-mark-recapture techniques in a semi-urban park in Bellingham, WA, USA., Skylar King and John Hathaway

The Function of Lupinus spp. in the restoration of a riparian ecosystem: Elwha River, former Lake Mills, WA, Caitlin Knox

Squalicum Creek: Channel Evolution in a Restored Creek, Tatum McLeod and Megan Mortensen

Framing Science: The Important Role of Art in Scientific Papers, Analissa Merrill


Seagrasses (Zostera marina) and (Zostera japonica) Display a Differential Photosynthetic Response to TCO2: Implications for Acidification Mitigation, Cale A. Miller


Water Quality and Algal Diversity of Ten Lakes Along the Mountain Loop Highway, Washington, Katy Pfannenstein


Emergent Contaminants and Effects on Field-Exposed Chinook Salmon and Cutthroat Trout in the Stillaguamish Watershed, WA., Jody M. Pope

Restoring Ecosystem Functionality: A Pilot Study of the Removal of Invasive Reed Canary Grass in a Puget Sound Lowland Saltmarsh, Anna Rebert

Environmental Risk Assessment of Non-Resident Species in Cherry Point, WA., Shelby Reibel and Colton Charlton


Effects of Zostera marina Roots and Leaf Detritus on the Concentration and Distribution of Pore-Water Sulfide in Marine Sediments, Alexandra G. (Alexandra Garcia) Simpson

Quantifying the colonization of leaf litter by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in temperate lowland forests, Dylan Simpson

Long-term Water Quality Monitoring at Cherry Point, WA: Implications for Ecosystem Biodiversity, Kaitlyn Spellman and Hailey Brennan


Microzooplankton grazing, growth and gross growth efficiency are affected by pCO2 induced changes in phytoplankton biology, Kelly Still


Cluster Analysis as a Means of Examining Topographically-mediated Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) Growth in the American Southwest, Tyler J. Tran


Summer Climate and Western Spruce Budworm Outbreaks in the Pacific Northwest, Melinda Vickers


Spatial Variability of Snow Chemistry of High Altitude Glaciers in the Peruvian Andes, Lindsay K. Wallis

Heron Nesting and Foraging Behavior in Bellingham Bay, Ian Woodruff


Kinetic and equilibrium sorption modeling of arsenite and arsenate onto Lake Whatcom sediments and activated carbon., Holly Young, Fischer L. Young, and Henry T. Cade


Phytoremediation of arsenic contaminated soils using mustard plants: An examination of remediation potential in the presence of annelids and iron oxyhydroxides, Macon Abernathy and Ben Maki


Ocean Acidification Affects Larval Swimming in Ostrea lurida but not Crassostrea gigas, Shannon Buckham


Effects of Heavy Metals on Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, George L (George Livingston) Burgess


Effects of Hypoxia and Sulfide Intrusion on Eelgrass (Zostera marina), Melissa Ciesielski


Determining biologically available phosphorus in storm water entering Lake Whatcom, WA using the dual culture diffusion apparatus, Jonnel Deacon

The Effectiveness of Culvert Removal on Improving Water Quality Parameters in Carpenter Creek Estuary, Fawn Harris


Integrated Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment for the South River, Virginia: a Bayesian Approach, Meagan J. Harris

A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of voluntary cleanup programs in Washington, Oregon, California, and South Dakota, Brianne Hoppe and Katie Donkers


Marine Microzooplankton are Indirectly Affected by Ocean Acidification Through Direct Effects on Their Phytoplankton Prey, Kasey Kendall


Trophic Response to Multiple Stressors Using Species Sensitivity (SSD) Distribution Models, Gerald Kitsis

The effects of nesting American kestrels on pest bird abundance in sweet cherry orchards, Deanna Leigh


The Effect of American Kestrels on Deterrence of Bird Damage to Pacific Northwest Sweet Cherries, Deanna K. Leigh

Spatial and Temporal Effects of Train-sourced Air Pollution on Lichen (Ramalina farinacea) Near Bellinngham, WA, Justin Meyer and Ryan DeWitt


Phytoplankton Ecology: Algal Assemblages in Correlation with Water Quality in High Elevation Lakes, North Cascades, WA, Anna Nakae


An Ecogeomorphic Model to Assess the Response of Padilla Bay's Eelgrass Habitat to Sea Level Rise, Katrina L. Poppe


Effect of Symbiotic State on the Fatty Acid Composition of Anthopleura elegantissima, Andrés J. Quesada

An Assessment of the Effects of Marine Worms on the Long-term Efficacy of Activated Carbon, Ryan Sarhan and Bryson Bellefeuille



Sediment and vegetation monitoring during a levee removal project on the Stillaguamish River Delta at Port Susan Bay, WA, Alec Barber


Mycorrhizal availability in the basin of Lake Mills and influence on colonization and growth of Salix scouleriana under drought stress, Andrew Cortese


Dietary characteristics of juvenile trout and char in seasonally inundated stream segments in Ross Lake, Washington, Emily Derenne


Systematic analysis of terrestrial carbon stocks in a small catchment of the Kolyma watershed, Kathryn E. (Kathryn Eliazbeth) Heard


Evaluating non-indigenous species management in a bayesian networks derived framework, Padilla Bay, WA, Carlie E. Herring


Influence of watershed and soil parameters on water quality in fifty western Washington lakes, Susan F. (Susan Farmer) Horton


QPCR analysis of functional genes in iron-rich microbial mats at an active hydrothermal vent system Loihi Seamount, Hawaii, Kelsey J. Jesser


Calculating risk change with management actions using Bayesian networks for the South River, Virginia, USA, Annie F. (Annie Franklin) Johns


How do compounds released by the green tide alga Ulvaria obscura affect development on invertebrate larvae?, Yolimar Rivera Vázquez


A study of pore-water sulfide and eelgrass (Zostera japonica and Zostera marina) in Padilla Bay, Washington, Annie Walser


Temperature and moisture effects on respiration in the organic horizon of a Pacific Northwest forest soil, Hanna M. (Hanna Maria) Winter


Influence of temperature on the physiological performance of zoochlorellae in two intertidal hosts (Anthopleura elegantissima and A. xanthogrammica), Gemma S. (Gemma Smith) Woodhouse