College of the Environment Graduate and Undergraduate Publications
The The College of the Environment Collection includes:
- Environmental Sciences Theses
- Geography Theses
- Environmental Education Theses
- Field Project Reports
- Environmental Studies Theses
- Environmental Impact Assessments
created by College of the Environment students.
Publications from 2017
Program Development at the Outback: Exploring Place-Based, Experiential Education through a Campus Farm., Paul Kearsley
Building the Climate Justice Movement: A Field Manual to Increase Climate Activism, Jill MacIntyre Witt
Environmental impact assessment: proposed eastern brook trout removal from Hozomeen Lake, Bennet March, Troy Riling-Anderson, Logan Bates-Mundell, Aaron Burkhart, and Jennifer McDonald
Environmental Impact Assessment: Waypoint Park, Ana Rae Miller, Caleb Brown, Christopher Pieroni, Kamalani Brun, and Madeline Hart
Designing a Curriculum on Sustainable Living Practices, Stefanie Neale
Simulation Modeling of Population Expansion for Introduced Mountain Goats in the Olympic Mountains of Washington State, Melissa M. Oscarson
The Presence of Rhetoric: A Content Analysis of the Estonian American National Council’s Documents from Estonia, 1986-1989, Michael Redlinger
Elk Abundance Estimation and Road Ecology in Whatcom and Skagit Counties, Washington, Nathan C. Rice
Effectiveness of Salmon Carcass Analogs as a Form of Nutrient Enhancement for Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Three Lower Columbia Watersheds, Matthew T. Sturza
Environmental impact assessment of: Sunset Fish Passage and Energy Project, Emily Swortz, Caitlyn Jobanek, Miles Mayer, Isaiah Wynter, and Evan Oster
Freestad Lake estuary restoration: environmental impact assessment, Alex Westcott, Amanda Smith, Angela Ralston, Keelin Balzaretti, and Kimberly Kreis
The 'F-Word': Awareness and Perceptions in Fin-Fish Farming and Aquaculture Policies, Jordan Wrigley
Publications from 2016
Geri Fields turf improvement project environmental impact statement Bellingham, WA, Willie Bethel, Courtney Langer, Kristi Mellum, Greg Richardson, and Ryan Watson
Fine-scale Topoclimate Modeling and Climatic Treeline Prediction of Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) in the American Southwest, Jamis M. Bruening
Black Cottonwood (Populus Trichocarpa) Nutrition in the Dewatered Lake Aldwell Reservoir on the Elwha River, Washington, Ezra H. Citron
Blurred Vision? Evaluating the Legacy of Puget Sound Smart Growth, Stacy Clauson
The Effect of High-Intensity Visible Light on the Bloom Niches of the Phototrophic Dinoflagellates Alexandrium fundyense and Heterocapsa rotundata, Elizabeth C. (Elizabeth Colleen) Cooney
Teaching Environmental/STEM College Access Curriculum in Two Western Washington Title I Elementary Schools, Wendelin Dunlap
Climatic Drivers of Western Spruce Budworm Outbreaks in the Okanogan Highlands, Todd M. Ellis
Globalized Garment Systems: Theories on the Rana Plaza Disaster and Possible Localist Responses, Elizabeth A. Evans
A Dynamic Bayesian Approach for Integrating Climate Change into a Multi-Stressor Ecological Risk Assessment for the Mercury Contaminated South River and Upper Shenandoah River, Lara Gaasland-Tatro
Predicting Risk to Estuary Water Quality and Patterns of Benthic Environmental DNA in Queensland, Australia using Bayesian Networks, Scarlett E. Graham
Creating a Community Hub for Natural History Education in the Methow Valley and Beyond, Mary Kiesau
Whatcom transportation authority: WWU shuttle bus analysis, Shelby Kremenich, Jocelyn Murphy, Rachel Ohnemus, and Lucas Robinson
Detecting Fires: A Nationally Consistent, Rule Based Approach, Jacob D. (Jacob Daniel) Lesser
Environmental impact assessment Fever Creek bridge replacement, Analissa Merrill, Gus Landefeld, Kyle Easton, Shiloh Britt, and Novella Randall
Science and Strategy: How Scientific and Technical Information Are Used in Disputes Over Landslide Regulations in Seattle, WA, Ana E. Miscolta-Cameron
Investigating the Spatio-Temporal Relationships Between Snowmelt Timing and Wildfire Area Burned in the US Mountain West, Donal Seán (Donal Seán) O'Leary III
Water Quality and Algal Diversity of Ten Lakes Along the Mountain Loop Highway, Washington, Katy Pfannenstein
Emergent Contaminants and Effects on Field-Exposed Chinook Salmon and Cutthroat Trout in the Stillaguamish Watershed, WA., Jody M. Pope
One Hundred Years of Vegetation Succession in the Easton Glacial Foreland, Mount Baker, Washington, Katherine A. (Katherine Ann) Rosa
Effects of Zostera marina Roots and Leaf Detritus on the Concentration and Distribution of Pore-Water Sulfide in Marine Sediments, Alexandra G. (Alexandra Garcia) Simpson
Wisdom of the Ancient Forests: Stories in the Living Thread, Nick Sky
Magnetic Biomonitoring of Polluted Trees in South Seattle, Lauren Templeton
Cluster Analysis as a Means of Examining Topographically-mediated Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) Growth in the American Southwest, Tyler J. Tran
Spatial Variability of Snow Chemistry of High Altitude Glaciers in the Peruvian Andes, Lindsay K. Wallis
Hypothetical proposed Hale Passage salmon aquaculture site: environmental impact assessment, Jordan Wrigley, Danny Ashley, Kathryn Lewis, Michaela Paeth, Mikaela Richardson, and Shauna Brennan
Publications from 2015
Port Townsend liquids depot: environmental impact assessment of a biofuels facility on the Port Townsend Paper Corporation site, Andrea Brudnicki, Ashley Cabe, Sean Petersmark, and Bret Stevens
Ocean Acidification Affects Larval Swimming in Ostrea lurida but not Crassostrea gigas, Shannon Buckham
Effects of Heavy Metals on Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, George L (George Livingston) Burgess
Effects of Hypoxia and Sulfide Intrusion on Eelgrass (Zostera marina), Melissa Ciesielski
Determining biologically available phosphorus in storm water entering Lake Whatcom, WA using the dual culture diffusion apparatus, Jonnel Deacon
Incorporating Experiential Education into Entry-level College Biology Curriculum, David W. Droppers
Integrated Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment for the South River, Virginia: a Bayesian Approach, Meagan J. Harris
Investigating Effective Methods for Aggregating, Organizing, Storing, Managing, and Disseminating Community Resilience Data, Jonathan A. Kemp Jr
Marine Microzooplankton are Indirectly Affected by Ocean Acidification Through Direct Effects on Their Phytoplankton Prey, Kasey Kendall
Environmental impact assessment for Hermann Brothers Logging & Construction, INC wood-based solids depot, Danika Kraft, Jacob Jones, Sam West, and Noah Braley
The Effect of American Kestrels on Deterrence of Bird Damage to Pacific Northwest Sweet Cherries, Deanna K. Leigh
Effects of Organic versus Conventional Agricultural Management on Soil Quality in Skagit County, Washington, Daniel Nessly
An Ecogeomorphic Model to Assess the Response of Padilla Bay's Eelgrass Habitat to Sea Level Rise, Katrina L. Poppe
Effect of Symbiotic State on the Fatty Acid Composition of Anthopleura elegantissima, Andrés J. Quesada
Publications from 2014
Restoring generating capacity of Diablo Hydroelectric Project by dredging the confluence of Stetattle Creek and Gorge Reservoir, Diablo, WA, Hailey Beres, Kandyce Napoleon, Jordan Johnson, and Bjorn Ostenson
Assessing economic impacts of disruption to Oregon's energy infrastructure to enhance regional disaster resilience, Alexis C Blue
Mapping disciplinary relationships in Astrobiology: 2001-2012, Jason W. Cornell
Proposed reintroduction of fishers in the North Cascades National Park environmental impact assessment, Cameron Coronado, Monica Tonty, Wiley Chubb, Chris Foss, and Spencer Ward
Mycorrhizal availability in the basin of Lake Mills and influence on colonization and growth of Salix scouleriana under drought stress, Andrew Cortese
Transparency in mineral extraction: the commodity story, the Dodd-Frank, and the emergence of 'conflict-free', Lacey M. (Lacey Michelle) Cunningham
Dietary characteristics of juvenile trout and char in seasonally inundated stream segments in Ross Lake, Washington, Emily Derenne
Variation in state seismic mitigation policies: a comparative analysis of seismic risk and policy development, Brian D. Gouran
Systematic analysis of terrestrial carbon stocks in a small catchment of the Kolyma watershed, Kathryn E. (Kathryn Eliazbeth) Heard
Evaluating non-indigenous species management in a bayesian networks derived framework, Padilla Bay, WA, Carlie E. Herring
Influence of watershed and soil parameters on water quality in fifty western Washington lakes, Susan F. (Susan Farmer) Horton
QPCR analysis of functional genes in iron-rich microbial mats at an active hydrothermal vent system Loihi Seamount, Hawaii, Kelsey J. Jesser
Calculating risk change with management actions using Bayesian networks for the South River, Virginia, USA, Annie F. (Annie Franklin) Johns
Pedagogy for restoration: addressing social and ecological degradation through education, David Krzesni
Reconciling technology and nature : the use of mobile technology in outdoor recreation, Sarah K. Lindell
The question of resilient and effective ecosystem governance: a case study of the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer International Task Force, Stephanie Messa
How do compounds released by the green tide alga Ulvaria obscura affect development on invertebrate larvae?, Yolimar Rivera Vázquez
Wine without irrigation: evaluating geographic information systems as a tool to identify potential dryland viticulture sites, Jennifer M. (Jennifer Michelle) Sorensen
A study of pore-water sulfide and eelgrass (Zostera japonica and Zostera marina) in Padilla Bay, Washington, Annie Walser
Temperature and moisture effects on respiration in the organic horizon of a Pacific Northwest forest soil, Hanna M. (Hanna Maria) Winter
Influence of temperature on the physiological performance of zoochlorellae in two intertidal hosts (Anthopleura elegantissima and A. xanthogrammica), Gemma S. (Gemma Smith) Woodhouse
Publications from 2013
BP Rail Logistics Project environmental impact assessment, Bellingham, WA, Spencer Andrich, Robert Bryson, Bill Sampson, Andrew Inocencio, and Suzan Nasona
Squalicum Creek Park - phase III, Seth Norell Bader, Pamela Griswold, Nora Jagielo, Sabrina Romano, and Alexander Yanez Sherman
The spatial manifestation of neoliberal discourse: mapping Chicago's education reform debate, Sarah (Sarah Susan) Bell
Assessment of riparian conditions in the Nooksack River Basin with the combination of LiDAR, multi-spectral imagery and GIS, Erica M. Capuana
Nutritional role of microalgae in the diet of first stage brachyuran crab larvae, Nicole J. (Nicole Janette) Casper
Effects of ocean acidification on dispersal behavior in the larval stage of the Dungeness crab and the Pacific Green Shore crab, Anna-Mai F. (Anna-Mai Florentine) Christmas
Cordata urban village environmental impact assessment, Donald Cleary, Dylan Foggitt, Gabriel Kincaid, Rea Pineda, and Nicholas Roberts
Cherry Point exporting of coal on large ships, environmental impact assessment, Bellingham, WA, Judith Debay, Brennan Nowak, Chelsea Robinson, Genevieve Shank, and Sabina Sherrill
Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest geothermal power plant environmental impact assessment, Evan Derickson, Ethan Holzer, Brandon Johansen, Audra McCafferty, Eric Messerschmidt, and Kyle Olsen
South Skagit Highway realignment: ENVS 493 winter 2013, Justin Eastman, Jamie Hamilton, Thomas Peal, Amy Tibbetts, Matt Warren, and Witney Wynn
Summer phytoplankton diversity in small lakes of Northwest Washington, Rachael D. (Rachael Dawn) Gravon
Potter Road Bridge replacement, Jamie Halpin, Randal Bernhardt, Tyler Pedersen, Derek Vilar, and Jessica Straight
Regional risk assessment of the Puyallup River Watershed and the evaluation of low impact development in meeting management goals, Eleanor Hines
Trail counter calibration: the search for influences in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Thomas R. (Thomas Ryan) Laws
Environmental impact assessment: Whatcom County ordinance AB2012-300B: exhibit B, Kali Levy, Hunter Hassig, Kevin Radach, Galen Van Horn, and Bergen Vocke
Factors affecting the distribution and abundance of the Salish sucker (Catostomus sp.): an endemic and endangered transboundary fish population, Nathaniel S. (Nathaniel Stuart) Lundgren
Influence of Sex and Body Mass on Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) Diving Behavior, A. Sasha (Alexandra Sasha) McFarland
Mountain goat genetic diversity and population connectivity in Washington and Southern British Columbia, Leslie C. (Leslie Claire) Parks
Understanding the dynamic effects of flight patterns on land use, Matthew Paskus
Italian piazze: models for public outdoor space in sustainable communities, Mark K. (Mark Kevan) Pederson
Holiday Inn at the Bellingham International Airport: environmental impact assessment, Sara Scott, Tara Newman, Kelsey England, Ilsa Barrett, and Matt Fuget
Squalicum Creek re-route, Lisa Sulenes, Dylan Peterson, Katherine Hales, Cecily Kowitz, and Skylar Sumner
The wildland-urban interface in the conterminous United States 2000-2010, Jacob P. (Jacob Paul) Tully
Cougar genetic variation and gene flow in a heterogeneous landscape, Matthew J. (Matthew James) Warren