The mission of the Graduate School is to advance, promote, and serve graduate faculty, students, and programs through advocacy, leadership, and oversight. The Graduate School supports all graduate programs and students at Western, expanding graduate and undergraduate student access to engaging education, promoting life-long learning, enhancing scholarly activity, and developing graduates qualified to address the diverse critical needs of the state and nation.
Tertiary Volcanic Rocks in Southwest Montana and Adjacent Idaho as Possible Source Rocks for Epigenetic Stratabound Uranium Deposits, Richard Brian Wice
The Paleomagnetism of a Thick Middle Tertiary Volcanic Sequence in Northern California, Douglas Edward Craig
The Geology and Mineralogy of Bentonites and Associated Rocks of the Chuckanut Formation, Mt. Higgins Area, North Cascades, Washington, Susan Kinder Cruver
The Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry of the Uranium-Bearing Vein Deposits Near Boulder, Montana, and Their Relationship to Faulting and Hot Spring Activity, Stanton Parker Dodd
Geology and Structure of the Western and Southern Margins of Twin Sisters Mountain, North Cascades, Washington, Frederic I. Frasse
The Rocks of Bulson Creek: Eocene-Oligocene Sedimentation and Tectonics in the Lake McMurray Area, Washington, Kim Lance Marcus
The Chemical Composition of the Shuksan Metamorphic Suite in the Gee Point - Finney Creek Area, North Cascades, Washington, Leah V. Street-Martin
Tectonic Rotations in the Cascade Mountains of Southern Washington, Roger G. (Roger Glenn) Bates
The Petrology, Petrography, and Geochemistry of the Black Jack Breccia Pipe, Silver Star Plutonic Complex, Skamania County, Washington, Robert H. Birk
Neoglaciation of Avalanche Gorge and the Middle Fork Nooksack River Valley Mt. Baker, Washington, Steven Richard Fuller
Geology, Petrology, and Paleomagnetism of Eocene Basalts from the Black Hills, Washington Coast Range, Brian R. Globerman
The Shuksan Metamorphic Suite and Shuksan Thrust Mt Watson Area, North Cascades, Washington, Ralph Albert Haugerud
Geology and Petrology of the Lake Ann Stock and Associated Rocks, Eric William James
Stratigraphy, Lithology, and Depositional Environment of the Black Prince Formation Southeastern Arizona and Southwestern New Mexico, Patrick Kevin Spencer
Quaternary geology and stratigraphy of Kitsap County, Washington, Jerald D. Deeter
A Paleocurrent Analysis of a Portion of the Chuckanut Depositional Basin near Bellingham, Washington, James Norman Hartwell
Coastal Zone Processes and Geomorphology of Skagit County, Washington, Ralph Francis Keuler
Stratigraphy and Petrology of the Nooksack Group in the Glacier Creek-Skyline Divide Area, North Cascades, Washington, Jon Niels Sondergaard
Paleomagnetism and Tectonic Significance of the Goble Volcanics of Southern Washington, Cynthia D. Burr
The Geology of Southwestern Fidalgo Island, Daryl Gusey
Clay Mineralogy and Origin of the Huntingdon Fire Clays on Canadian Sumas Mountain, South British Columbia, Duane G. Horton
Stratigraphy and Chronology of Raised Marine Terraces, Bay View Ridge, Skagit County, Washington, Robert T. Siegfried
Shoreline Processes and Sediment Responses Related to the Origin of Beach Cusps on Whidbey and Fidalgo Islands, Washington, John V. Spasari
Coal Petrology of the Tulameen Coalfield, South Central British Columbia, V. Eileen Williams
The Origin of Serpentinites Associated with the Shuksan Metamorphic Suite Near Gee Point, Washington, Daniel L. Wilson
Petrology and Major Element Geochemistry of Albite Granite near Sparta, Oregon, Robert Brayton Almy III
Petrology of the Crystalline Rocks of Vedder Mountain, British Columbia, Mitchell L. Bernardi
A comparison of British and American treaties with the Klallam, Daniel L. Boxberger
Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Southwest Quarter of the Tanacross D-1 Quadrangle, Alaska, Roger Douglas Gill
Volcanology and Geochemistry of the South Flank of Mount Baker, Cascade Range, Washington, Douglas McKeever
Paleomagnetism of the San Juan Volcanic Field, Southwestern Colorado, Steven Douglas Sheriff
Geology of the Older Precambrian Rocks in the Vicinity of Clear Creek and Zoroaster Canyon, Grand Canyon, Arizona, William S. Lingley Jr.
Paleomagnetism of Late Pleistocene Sediments, Puget Lowland, Washington, Kurt L. Othberg
Petrogenesis of the Granitic Rocks of Part of the Upper Granite Gorge, Grand Canyon, Arizona, Michael B. Walen
Paleomagnetism of the Snoqualmie Batholith Central Cascades, Washington, Suzanne J. Beske
A Paleomagnetic Reconnaissance of the Platoro Caldera, Southeastern San Juan Mountains, Colorado, Jimmy F. Diehl
Clay mineralogy of late Pleistocene sequences in northwestern Washington and southwestern British Columbia, Michael Arthur Hepp
A Sedimentary Core Analysis of Late Pleistocene to Recent Sediments in a Portion of Bellingham Bay, Washington, James T. Lowe
Biostratigraphy of the Bilk Limestone (Permian), Northwestern Nevada, Erich Thomas
Changes in the Economy of the Lummi Indians of Northwest Washington, Don Newman Taylor