Legacy Forest Ground Truthing in Whatcom County, Washington, Finley Bell
Coast Salish foods gathered on clam gardens and rocky intertidal beaches, Amy Rose Cline
Landscapes of Change: Acequias, Community Resilience, and State Power in Northern New Mexico, Amaya Coblentz
A Spatial Representation of Wilderness Character Degradation in the Stephen Mather Wilderness of North Cascades National Park Service Complex, Andrew Giacomelli
Environmental Equity in an Unjust World, Carly R. Hopp
Improving Riparian Restoration Planning Efforts in San Juan County Using a Site-Specific Planting Tool, Julia Jaquery
The Biophysical Resilience Capacity of the Salish Sea’s Tidal Wetlands to Sea Level Rise, Kenna Kuhn
Climate Storytelling: An Experiment in Interdisciplinary Course Design, Gabrielle Jean Laipenieks
S.A.D. Survival Kit: A Podcast on Seasonal Affective Disorder, Kate Lincoln
Affordable Infill, Virginia MacDonald
Birds of Costa Rica: Journal & Sketchbook, Clara Magsarili
Beyond Dystopia: The effect of reading hopeful climate fiction on climate anxiety and environmental self-efficacy, Brandon McWilliams
Finding the Green, Bridget Miller
Evaluating How Well Open-Source AI Models Interpret Written Prompts, Madeline Pysher
Attitudes Towards Conservation in the Sagarmatha and Makalu-Barun National Park, Nepal, Morgan A. Scott
Feed the Earth: An Exploration of Regenerative Agriculture Programs in Washington State, Lily Storbeck
Our Inheritance: An Honors Capstone exploring the potential future of environmental policy under climate change, Maggie Strecker
An Ecocentric Turn: Emerging Narratives in the Growing U.S. Rights of Nature Movement, Raechel E. Youngberg
Weaving Fragmented Lands Together: Perspectives on a National Framework for Landscape Conservation, Jaimie Baxter
Cultivating Change: Case Study Analysis of Agricultural Resistance in Whatcom and Skagit Counties, Washington, Dana Bronstein
What are our plans missing? What are our missing plans?, Vivien Coop
Who’s Nature? Ontological Narrative Dissonance Among Skagit River Fishery Coalitions, Jann Eberharter
Wild Buildings in the Balkans - Using drones and GIS to identify illegal buildings in Galicica National Park, North Macedonia, Marko Foster
Against the Grain: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Effects of Climatic and Cultural Changes on Grain Agriculture in Northwest Washington, Natalie Furness
Visualizing Animal Fire Responses, Michael Ginster
Value Mapping and the Community Wildfire Protection Planning Process in Entiat, WA, Katharine Kiendl
Liberalism and its Trail, David Nessa
Motivations for and Barriers to Forest Certification of Washington State Trust Lands, Tracy Petroske
Was the Grass Always Greener? Mapping the Historical Extent of Grassland Ecosystems in the San Juan Islands, Kailey Marie Schillinger-Brokaw
Social Justice Through Beach Access and Community-Based Placemaking in Puna, Hawai'i, Yumi-Shika Shridhar
Generations of Stewards: Re-Indigenizing Youth Leadership, Learning, and Conservation Education, Drew Slaney
Adoption of Agroforestry Practices in Northwest Washington State: An Ex-ante Case-Study, Ava Stone
Anaerobic Digestion at Western Washington University, Sienna Taylor
Investigating perennial & annual eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in Padilla Bay as potential donor sources for seed-based restoration, Yuki Wilmerding
Soil Mesofauna and Microbial Community Response to Mixed Biochar and Compost Application in a Skagit Silt Loam, Jameson Goff
Restoring the Nooksack Watershed Through Community-Driven Forest Stewardship, Alexander Harris
Somatic Learning and Eco-Anxiety in Environmental Education Teacher Preparation, Pippa Hemsley
Faith in a Changing Climate: Policy Framing and Southern Evangelical Christian Views on Climate Policy, Sydne Tursky
Living in Pele's Workshop: Using Community-informed Planning to Address Housing Needs in Puna, Hawai'i, Taylor Webb
Vamos Outdoors Project’s Innovative Schools Based Programs During COVID-19: Program Assessment, Andrew Basabe
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Empathy-Based Education in the Modern Zoo, Annika Brinkley
How Science Policies Influence Ecological User-Engaged Research in Brazil and Peru?, Aline C. de Oliveira Machado Prata
Public Lands and Climate Change: An Evaluation of the North Cascadia Adaptation Partnership, Kristen Doering
Where, Wheat, When?, Natalie Furness
Bellingham's Housing Ecosystem, Malene Garcia
Radioactive Future, Avery Garritano
Assessing energy justice: The case of Xwe’chi’eXen, Cherry Point, Andrea Gemme
Edible Seaweeds of the Salish Sea: Contaminant Levels and Comparison with Common Foods, Jennifer Hahn
Whose Water is it Anyway?: The Adjudication of Water Rights in the Nooksack Watershed, Emma Ledsham
Community Perspectives Regarding Building Electrification as a Climate Mitigation Strategy in Bellingham, WA: A Q-Study, Sarah K. Parker
Mentoring Through Moss: Measuring Air Pollution with High School Youth in the Duwamish Valley, Nichole Vargas
Creating a Comprehensive Western American/Canadian Fire Dataset, 1880-2018, Katherine Welch
Emotion in Science: The Need for Compassion in Wildlife Conservation, Max Boock
Emotion in Science: The Need for Compassion in Wildlife Conservation, Max Alexandria Boock
Sun, Sand, & Afternoon Showers: Creating nature-based, outdoor classroom curriculum for a central florida preschool, Ali Burdick
Metrics of shoreline armoring impacts on beach morphology in the Salish Sea, WA, Hannah Drummond
Processing this Pandemic, Dana Ericksen
Land, Body, Liberation: An Ecofeminist Pedagogical Approach to Place-Based Education, Amy L. Fitkin
Applying the United States Forest Service National Framework for Sustainable Recreation to the Entiat Ranger District: From Theory to Implementation, Katherine Galambos
Conifer establishment and encroachment on subalpine meadows around Mt. Baker, WA, Ben Hagedorn
Water Resources on the Pacific Crest Trail: Thru-Hiker Experiences and Alternate Water Sources in 2019, Riley Hine
Interdisciplinary Interspecies Pedagogies for Educating in the Anthropocene: Bringing Critical Animal Studies to Huxley College of the Environment, Sarah R. (Sarah Rose) Olson
Electrification and Decarbonization for Mid-sized Municipalities: A Case-study Marginal Abatement Cost Analysis, Patrick Shive
Original Environmental Education Lessons and Curriculum, Waverly Shreffler
A Case Study of a Moderate-Sale Small Family Farm in King County, Washington: An Example of Social Capital, Socioemotional Wealth in the Context of Civic Agriculture, Kayanne J. Sullivan
Dendrochronological Assessment of the Easton Glacier's Terminus Position Over the Last 150 Years, Monica A. Villegas
EPA’s Meaningful Involvement in EJ: Mission Accomplished?, Dawn Weimer and Gail Sandlin
Textile Recycling: The Influence of Moral Licensing on the Overconsumption of Clothing, Rebecca A. Williams
Curriculum for a Liberated Youth: Education rooted in democracy, Ali Burdick
Are You What You Eat? The Complexities of Food Choice, Normative Influence, and Identity., Melanie del Rosario
Sustainability: Critical view through the lens of consumerism, social and environmental justice, & ecology, Amy Fitkin
Honey Bee Nutrition and the Current State of Colony Collapse Disorder, Sean Fitzpatrick
Barriers and Coping Strategies Among Women in a Food Desert, Renee Holt
Not Just Nature, Sarah Kellogg
Finding climatologically teleconnected sites with a network of tree ring chronologies, Hannah LaGassey
Bees and Trees: The ecological ramifications of our "honey-nut" agriculture, Becci Larreau
The Role of Social Exchange in Collaborative Watershed Management: A Case Study in the Nooksack River Watershed, Washington, USA, Jocelyn Leroux
A Needs Assessment of the Perceptions and Opportunities to Enhance Nature Exploration at Publicly Funded Preschools, Naomi Liebhold
The Sendtennials, Greta Lozada
Wildfire Education in Washington School Districts, Jessica Martin
Dependence of Hydrological Modeling on Spatial Resolution in Lake Whatcom Watershed, Emily McGinty
Public Meetings: Barriers and Solutions, Pauline Mogilevsky
Critical Animal Studies: Agency, Theory, and Action, Sarah Olson
When Dark Flakes Fall, Realizing A Visionary Indigenous Origin Story, Kona Ongoy
Two decades of Western spruce budworm outbreaks in the Pacific Northwest, Nathan Roueche
Evaluating Comprehensive School Safety through a Global Baseline Survey of Disaster Risk Reduction Policies in the Education Sector, Adriana Varchetta
Regional Textile Production: Mapping the Pacific Northwest Fiber Network, Caroline Vogl
Creating a Canadian-American Wildfire Atlas for Late 19th-21st Centuries, Kate Welch
Self-determined Exploration of the Outdoors and What Students Can Teach Themselves: A Report on the Beach Investigators Summer Program, Mark F. (Mark Franklin) Bryant
The Benefits of a Therapeutic Nature Education Intervention for Children with ADHD, Madeline Dineen
Dendrochronology of Seaside Juniper (Juniperus maritima), Dustin Gleaves