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Tuesday, April 26th
9:45 AM

Collaboration to Address Invasive European Green Crab (Panel)

From Site to Sea: Protecting Habitat Through an Integrated Response to the Invasive European Green Crab Across the Salish Sea

Dr. P. Sean McDonald, University of Washington
Bobbie Buzzell, Lummi Natural Resources
Dr. Emily Grason, Washington Sea Grant
Chief Gordon Planes, T’Sou-ke First Nation
Allen Pleus, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Allie Simpson, Northwest Straits Commission
Crysta Stubbs, Coastal Restoration Society
Renny Talbot, Fisheries and Oceans Canada


9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

11:30 AM

Community Monitoring and Stewardship in Urban Watersheds (Panel)

Community monitoring and stewardship in urban watersheds

Anna Bachmann
Hannah Park
Sharlene Pioquinto
Eric Adman
Ry Yahn
Michelle Carranza Valasco
Kirsten McDade
Gary Olson


11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

1:30 PM

Nooksack Community Forestry (Panel)

Community forestry as landscape restoration tool to recover salmonid populations in the Nooksack watershed

Alexander Harris
Oliver Grah

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Wednesday, April 27th
9:45 AM

Communities and Ecosystems

One Island, One Earth: Exploring Island Ecological Footprints and Fingerprints

Michelle Thompson
Adam Huggins


9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Communities and Ecosystems

Urbanization reduces understory kelp abundance, macroalgal function, and biogenic complexity in the Salish Sea

Dr. Eliza Heery


9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Communities and Ecosystems

Neighbourhood-Scale Coastal Adaptation with Green Shores: Challenges and Opportunities

Jessica Wilson
Grant Lamont
DG Blair
Luke Sales
Robyn Holme
David Robinson
Mike Waters


9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Communities and Ecosystems

The Living Dike – Pilot Project PhaseTechnical Development from multiple Multi-Discipline Walkabouts.

John Readshaw, Lavalin Inc.
Gary Williams, G.L. Williams and Associates


9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

11:30 AM

Environmental Education

St. George Rainway: Integrating Environmental Education into Public Engagement

Julie McManus


11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Environmental Education

Bringing Virtual Reality to the Classroom:Friends of the San Juans Immersive Education Program

Jess Newley


11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Environmental Education

Bring your estuary expertise to students outdoors! SeaDoc Society’s free Explore the Salish Sea curriculum for grade 5 - Just add water...and community partners.

Mira Lutz Castle
Leigh Ann Gilmer


11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Environmental Education

Getting the youth back to the land: Community-based collaborative Archaeology at Tl’ches

Dr. Darcy Mathews

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

1:30 PM

Salish Sea Education in Public Schools (Panel)

Salish Sea education in public schools breaks barriers to science, traditional knowledge, and a culture of evidence-based decision-making. How can we elevate access?

Mira Lutz Castle, University of California, Davis
Dr. Bert Weber, Western Washington University
Leonard Merriman, First Nations Schools Association Penelakut Elementary
Sally Hanft, Environmental Protection Agency
Ardi Kveven, Everett Community College
Elizabeth Schmitz, Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Anna Booker, Whatcom Community College
Rosie Cayou James, Samish Indian Nation


1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Thursday, April 28th
8:30 AM

Behavior Change Through Engagement and Outreach

Your Place in the Watershed - Toolkits for Communicating Stormwater Issues and its Impacts on Underserved Populations

Ellen Southard


8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Behavior Change Through Engagement and Outreach

Beyond the Brochure: Using Social Science Research and Methods to Motivate Behavior Change

Justine Asohmbom, Wash. State Department of Ecology


8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Behavior Change Through Engagement and Outreach

Community education and outreach plans for fecal pollution prevention based on a culturally inclusive approach in Poverty Bay Pollution Identification and Correction Program

Eunbi Lee, Public Health – Seattle & King County


8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Behavior Change Through Engagement and Outreach

Catch More Crab: An Outreach Campaign Developed by the Target Audience

Jason Morgan

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Behavior Change Through Engagement and Outreach

Breaking Through Barriers: Using Peer-to-Peer Networking to Promote Voluntary Land Stewardship

Aneka Sweeney

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

10:15 AM

Collaboration and Community Science

A Collaborative Approach to Developing a Model for Oil Spill Policy Decision Support: Building a better model while learning together

JD Ross Leahy


10:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Collaboration and Community Science

Citizen Based Salmon Recovery in the Salish Sea

Rachel Vasak


10:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Collaboration and Community Science

Coastal Restoration Toolkit - An online resource to launch a restoration project in your community

Elsa Schwartz, Restore America’s Estuaries


10:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Collaboration and Community Science

Community engagement to accelerate research and learning about the dieback of western redcedar

Joseph Hulbert, Washington State University

10:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Collaboration and Community Science

Understanding microplastic pollution on shorelines with citizens and technology

Bertha Iselle Flores Ruiz

10:15 AM - 11:45 AM