The mission of the Graduate School is to advance, promote, and serve graduate faculty, students, and programs through advocacy, leadership, and oversight. The Graduate School supports all graduate programs and students at Western, expanding graduate and undergraduate student access to engaging education, promoting life-long learning, enhancing scholarly activity, and developing graduates qualified to address the diverse critical needs of the state and nation.
Not One Girl, But Many: Stories, Hannah R. Newman
Interdisciplinary Interspecies Pedagogies for Educating in the Anthropocene: Bringing Critical Animal Studies to Huxley College of the Environment, Sarah R. (Sarah Rose) Olson
The Effects of Hip Position on Scapular Kinematics and Muscle Activation in the Oblique Sling: A Simulated Study, Sarah Elizabeth Pine
Neural Signaling Dynamics of Conditioning in C. elegans, Micaela R. Pribic
Organic Molecular Crystal Engineering via Organic Vapor-Liquid-Solid Deposition, Griffin Reed
Ornithology in the Absence of Birds, Christa Rohrbach
Crystal Mush Dynamics of Mount St. Helens and Lassen Volcanic Center: Insights from Melt Inclusions and Titanium-In-Quartz Thermobarometry, Jeremy S. Rosen
Investigating the effects of climate co-stressors on surf smelt energy demands, Megan Russell
Using Multispectral Imagery to Interrogate Deposition, Alteration, and Weathering Across Curiosity Rover’s Traverse in Gale Crater, Mars, Christina Seeger
Connecting to Nature: Mindfulness and Desire to Engage in Pro-Environmental Behaviors, Mikayla L. Shea
Electrification and Decarbonization for Mid-sized Municipalities: A Case-study Marginal Abatement Cost Analysis, Patrick Shive
Rationalizations Within Neoliberalism: Public Schools, Protection, and the 1980s-1990s Culture Wars in Whatcom County, Washington, Vaughan Shubert
Every Needful Thing, Allison Spikes
Synthesis and Characterization of Earth Abundant Metal Phosphide Photocatalysts for the Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction, John D. Springer
Dropout in Individual Psychotherapy From Adult Male Clients’ Perspectives, Karen L. Springer
Synthetic Studies on Guaipyridine Alkaloids: Rupestines B and C, Evangeline Starchman
Genomic Insights and Ecological Adaptations of Deep-Subsurface and Near Subsurface Thermococcus Isolates, Lilja Caitlin Strang
Community Structure of Benthic Microbial Mats at Hydrothermal Springs in Crater Lake, Oregon, Amanda Stromecki
Engineering Class A Sortases: Activity and Selectivity of Hybrid and Ancestral Variants, Sarah Struyvenberg
A Case Study of a Moderate-Sale Small Family Farm in King County, Washington: An Example of Social Capital, Socioemotional Wealth in the Context of Civic Agriculture, Kayanne J. Sullivan
Spatial and temporal trends of the annual first detections of Paralytic Shellfish Toxin in Puget Sound, WA, Margaret Taylor
Dendrochronological Assessment of the Easton Glacier's Terminus Position Over the Last 150 Years, Monica A. Villegas
The Effectiveness of Large Woody Debris Placement at Improving Freshwater Rearing Habitat and Enhancing Juvenile Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) Production, Caroline J. Walls
Plasmonic-based hybrid nanomaterial: from synthesis to application, Maggie Wang
Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi protect Rubus idaeus from the effects of soil-borne disease and parasitic nematodes?, Erika Whitney
Codon bias and mRNA folding stability: Two natural controls of protein expression dynamics, Anastacia Wienecke
Textile Recycling: The Influence of Moral Licensing on the Overconsumption of Clothing, Rebecca A. Williams
Effect of Cupping Therapy on Respiratory Gas Exchange in Trained Endurance Runners, Maximilian Antush
String Sinfonia, June 3, 2019, Program Notes, Mika Armaly
There Is Only Us: Stories, Zoë S. (Zoë Scout) Ballering
The effects of hallux valgus and walking speed on dynamic balance in older adults, Carolyn E. Barbee
Synthesis of a stimulus responsive phosphine ligand and metal binding studies, Gabriel Bourne
Isopeptide Ligations Catalyzed by Streptococcus Suis Sortase A, Sarah Bowersox
Effects of Deep Slow Breath Training on Performance and Recovery During High Intensity Interval Cycling, Andrew D. (Andrew David) Brown
Ethical Entanglements: Attunement and New Materialist Rhetoric, Gabriel L. Carter
Projecting a white savior, the body, and policy: pre-classical and transitional cinema's boxing films in the United States 1893-1915, Siobhan Marie Chaney Carter
Rhythmic Structure and Style Characteristics in the Medium of the Beatles, Robert Creigh
Display Cases, Andrew (Andrew Alan) Crook
A Song with Only One Word, Bailey Cunningham
All-healing weapon: the value of Oplopanax horridus root bark in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, Alissa B. (Alissa Bronwyn) Daschbach
Are You What You Eat? The Complexities of Food Choice, Normative Influence, and Identity., Melanie del Rosario
Slip and strain accumulation along the Sadie Creek fault, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, Cody Duckworth
Effect of Pedal Stance Width Manipulation via Pedal Spacers on Lower Limb Frontal Plane Kinematics During Cycling, Andrew Fife
Quantifying the magnitude and spatial variability of bedrock erosion beneath the Sisters Glacier, Washington, using cosmogenic 3He concentrations, Sarah W. Francis
Modeling the Effects of Climate Variability on Hydrology and Stream Temperatures in the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River, Kyra Freeman
Structural Studies of Complexes of Blood Coagulation Factor VIII, Joseph S. Gish
After-Lands, Joanna R. Gordon
My story is not my own: A qualitative analysis of personal continuity and group narrative, Kristín G. (Kristin Guðbjörg) Haraldsson
Barriers and Coping Strategies Among Women in a Food Desert, Renee Holt
Progress Towards the Substrate-bound Structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae Sortase A, Nicholas M. Horvath
Photometric investigations of weathering rinds and coatings with implications for Mars, Kathleen Hoza
Not Just Nature, Sarah Kellogg
Seismic Structure of Tanaga Island, Alaska, Kevin F. (Kevin Francis) Lally
Post/Script: A Repository of Fragile Things, J. R. Lara
Healthier Together? A Meta-Analytic Review of Community Identification and LGBTQ Health, Kendall Lawley
Modeling Climate-Dependent Larval Growth Rate and Duration of Olympia oysters in the Salish Sea, Jake A. Lawlor
A Multivariate Analysis of the Relationship Between the Water Quality Conditions and Algal Species Composition of Six Mountain Lakes in the North Cascades, WA, USA, Michael P. Lawlor
The Role of Social Exchange in Collaborative Watershed Management: A Case Study in the Nooksack River Watershed, Washington, USA, Jocelyn Leroux
A Needs Assessment of the Perceptions and Opportunities to Enhance Nature Exploration at Publicly Funded Preschools, Naomi Liebhold
Surface modified gold nanorods based mercury sensor, Tianqi Luan
Exploring the Relationship Between Stress-Related Growth and Basic Psychological Needs Following Athletic Injuries, Samantha L. MacDonald
Spatiotemporal Diversity of Alpine Snow Algae Communities in the Pacific Northwest, Rachael C. Mallon
The Amukura Water Project: Utilization of Photovoice to Examine Water Use and Needs in Western Kenya, Cecilia Martin
Optimizing abalone outplant strategies using larval Haliotis kamtschatkana in the San Juan Archipelago, Washington, Katherine Mills-Orcutt
Paleomagnetic results from Upper Triassic and Middle Jurassic strata of east-central New Mexico, and implication for North American APWP, Masoud Mirzaei Souzani
American Affection and Ecuadorian Expression: Cultural Differences in Romantic Relationships, Jenni Miska
Validation of Predicted Tsunami Inundation for the Inland Coast of the Salish Sea Associated with Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes, Paige Morkner
Development of cryopreservation methods for sperm of pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) for conservation aquaculture., Caitlin O'Brien
Trunk, Hip and Knee Motions During a Step-Down Test and Running in Patellofemoral Pain Individuals, Katie Olinger
When Dark Flakes Fall, Realizing A Visionary Indigenous Origin Story, Kona Ongoy
Fascia Thickness and Mechanical Demand at the Ankle Joint during Dance Jumps in Classically Trained Ballet Dancers, Sarah Perry
The Influence of Gender and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education Leadership, Jordan A. Romager
Development of a Rangeland Degradation Risk Model for the Peruvian Andes, Colin Schmidt
Multifunctional Microgels for Nanoparticle-Based Detection Methodologies, Alyson Silva
Wandering Between Worlds: The Huxleyan Undercurrents in Human Psychology, Adam Harrison Smith
Structural Studies on the Mechanism of Argyrin B and the L12 – L11 Ribosomal Protein Interface, Christopher Swanson
Dendroclimatology of yellow cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis) and late Holocene temperature variability on the western slopes of the North Cascades in Washington State, Christopher A. (Chrisopher Anthony) Trinies
Functional Analysis of Cyc2 in Microbial Mat Communities of Mariana Arc and Back-arc Hydrothermal Vents, Christina A. Turner
The Atomic and Electronic Structure and Tunability of Ruddlesden-Popper Phases for Photovoltaic Applications, Britt A. Tyler
Assessing Coastal Vulnerability to Storm Surge and Wave Impacts with Projected Sea Level Rise within the Salish Sea, Nathan R. VanArendonk
Evaluating Comprehensive School Safety through a Global Baseline Survey of Disaster Risk Reduction Policies in the Education Sector, Adriana Varchetta
Synthesis of an Archazolid Based Enzyme Inhibitor, Cooper A. Vincent
An Ideal Approach to Prejudice: An Investigation of Promotion-oriented Motivators Underlying Interracial Interactions, Rachael Waldrop
amateur architects, Lucas Walker
Impacts of Major Freshwater Ions on the Acute Toxicity and Chemical Behavior of Silver Nanoparticles, Claire A. Walli
The Effect of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Free-Throw Shooting Performance Under Pressure, Nathan J. Wolch
Clinopyroxene trace element chemistry as a proxy for magma compositional variations in the Izu Bonin rear arc over the last 15 million years, Kimberly N. (Kimberly Nicole) Wurth
Peru's Musical Heritage of the Viceroyalty: The Creation of a National Identity, Fabiola Yupari
Estimating Probability of Blow Fly Colonization in Eastern Washington: a Forensic Entomology Experiment, Heather Zarkos Boswell
You Know?: Decoding ‘Knowing’ in the English Professor/Student Relationship, Chloe Allmand
Evaluation of the Stream Function Assessment Methodology (SFAM) in watersheds of the Puget Sound lowlands, Michelle Bahnick