The mission of the Graduate School is to advance, promote, and serve graduate faculty, students, and programs through advocacy, leadership, and oversight. The Graduate School supports all graduate programs and students at Western, expanding graduate and undergraduate student access to engaging education, promoting life-long learning, enhancing scholarly activity, and developing graduates qualified to address the diverse critical needs of the state and nation.
Synonyms for Bloodline, Tanya Young
Tending to, Brittany Atkinson
Microbial Community Dynamics During Key Life History Transitions in the Deep-Sea Chemosymbiotic Mussel, Gigantidas childressi, Tessa F. Beaver
Responses of the symbiotic sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima to microplastics, Robert Beck
Characterization of phenotypic traits related to loss-of-function and ectopic expression of bHLH093 and bHLH061 in Arabidopsis thaliana, Leila Belhadjali
The Effect of Economic Scarcity on Racial Perceptions, Michael Brooks
Species Distribution and Abundance of Bering Sea Tunicates with Implications for Coastal Food Security, Meghan Bugaj
Reconstructing deglacial and Holocene climatic and environmental change in the Snowy Mountains of southeast Australia, Aidan Warner Burdick
Soft Bellies / Hold the Babies, Kathleen L. Byrd
Synthesis and characterization of PLGA capped gold nanoparticles for use in cancer therapeutics, Tara Chin
Vocal Pedagogy With The Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM) Singer., Clarkia Cobb
Using Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus laevis (FETAX) to Study Metals and Temperature as Multiple Stressors in Cascades Frog (Rana cascadae), Adam Turner (Cockrill) Crispin
Bioaccumulation of metals in Whatcom County estuaries by native tidal plants, Margaret Critchlow
Spectral Variability in Naturally Weathered Rock Surfaces and Implications for Mars, Sabrina Curtis
Larger than Jelly Alone: Appalachian Reproductive Politics in the Depression Era, Katelyn Damron
Transport Mechanisms of Nitrate on the Washington Shelf, Liesl G. Danyluk
Promoting pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) recovery in the Salish Sea: The effects of fluctuating temperature and elevated CO2 on survival, growth, and radula morphology, Elizabeth Janie Diehl
High Gravity Days, Madeline Downie
Primary cilia display a non-uniform response to intracellular calcium release, Hannah R. Fisher
Glacier Peak and the Chocolate Factory: Recurring debris flows from the eastern flank of Glacier Peak stratovolcano, North Cascades, Washington State, USA, Edward M. Fordham
Re-Presenting People: Critically Reviewing Existing Imagery of Traditional Coast Salish Lifeways and Creating New Images, Beatrice Franke
Using crystal zoning, thermobarometry, and MELTS to elucidate Koma Kulshan’s (Mt. Baker) transcrustal magma storage system, northern Cascade arc, Brendan Garvey
Soil Mesofauna and Microbial Community Response to Mixed Biochar and Compost Application in a Skagit Silt Loam, Jameson Goff
Restoring the Nooksack Watershed Through Community-Driven Forest Stewardship, Alexander Harris
To Erupt or Not to Erupt? That is the Question: Extremely High Levels of Background Seismicity and Lack of Eruptivity from 2003-2019 at Gareloi Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, Kiana Tamarie Harris
UAV remote sensing approaches to mapping glacier ablation and snow algae radiative forcing in the North Cascades., Shannon Healy
Analysis of Eelgrass in Padilla Bay, Washington Using an Uncrewed Aerial System, Hannah Hein
Somatic Learning and Eco-Anxiety in Environmental Education Teacher Preparation, Pippa Hemsley
Nickel Phosphide Photothermal Catalyst Development for CO2-Derived Solar Fuels, Hannah K. Hennig
Forearc erosion in response to megathrust plate coupling along the Wairarapa Coastline, New Zealand, Chantel E. Jensen
A Love That Dare Not Speak: Empire’s Impact on Sodomy Persecutions in Victorian London, Kristina Kelehan
Tire-wear-particle leachate toxicity to Americamysis bahia: analysis of sublethal and molecular effects, Karrin Leazer
Foraging ecology of sexually-dimorphic marine generalist predators: describing stellar sea lion diet along the northern Washington coast, Zöe Kathryn Lewis
Norwegian American Language Identity, Else Lindsey
Eruption Evolution of West Mata Volcano, NE Lau Basin Using Hydroacoustic and Video Data, Mikkel Shanice Louis
Western Symphony Orchestra April 29, 2022 Program Notes, Johnathon Lyons
You Were Conceived on the Living Room Floor, Zoë Maki
Off-channel habitat restoration using groundwater infiltration galleries in the Methow River Basin, Washington, Nicole Masurat
Predator-induced Hatching Plasticity of Northeastern Pacific Coast Nudibranchs, Geoffrey Masato Mayhew
Covalent Modifications as Targets and Means for Research in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, Derek McCaffery
The effect of Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology on the foraging success of individual harbor seals, Kathleen Anne McKeegan
No, I Don’t Think it was Rape: The Relationship between Rape Acknowledgment Status and Perceptions of Sexual Violence, Paige K. Michel
Structural Characterization of Factor VIII-Inhibitor Complexes and Factor VIII Lipid Binding Mechanics, Corbin Mitchell
“Let ‘er Buck!”: Race, Gender, and Performance at the Pendleton Round-Up, 1910-2000., Kylee Moneypenny
The Effects of Autonomy-Supportive vs Controlling Feedback on the Performance of Novice Jugglers, Dominique Mullicane
A Canon Within a Canon: The Influence of the 30 berühmte Quartette on the Contemporary Reception of Haydn’s String Quartets, Casey Mullin
A Comparison of Dietary Intake in Female College Volleyball Players Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Justine Nuckols
Sortase-Mediated Ligation to Investigate Large IDR-Containing Cytoskeletal Regulators, Melissa Oueld Es Cheikh
Good dog. An osteometric and morphometric analysis of Coast Salish dog breeds from archaeological sites 45WH1, 45WH9, 45WH17, 45WH34, Courtney Jo Paton
A Pound of Dirt in Spoonfuls, Gloria Pearlman-Warren
The photochemical evolution of dissolved black carbon in snow: a case study from the North Cascades, Molly Peek
Cycles or Repetitions: A Quantitative Analysis of Alluvial Bed Thicknesses, Kristopher D. Phillips
Assessing the Use of the California Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus californicus) Within Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA), Casey Pruitt
Empowerment as a Birthright: Exploring the Power of Informed Choice, Delaney Elizabeth Reece
The Heritability of Mandible Length in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Danielle K. Ringo
Modeling 21st century peak streamflows in the Stillaguamish Watershed using dynamically downscaled general circulation model projections, James Marcell Robinson
Structural History of the Bald Mountain Mining District, Nevada, USA, David Paul Ryan
A State-of-the-art Review on the Underlying Mechanisms of Running Economy, Paul Allen Sage
Bitter Roots, Caity Scott
Ear Training and Skill Building Within the Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Mike Scott
Ecological Risk Assessment of Tire Wear Particles in the San Francisco Bay Using a Bayesian Network Relative Risk Model, Emma E. Sharpe
The Effects of Ocean Acidification and Temperature Rise on the Thermal Tolerance and Critical Thermal Limit of Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii), Nicole R. Singh
Avian and Shallow Water Community Response to Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii) Spawn Events, Heidi Stewart
Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Thiolated Silk Fibroin, Jeremy Martinez Talusig
True Orchard: Poems, Ashley Thompson
Who We Are is Who I Am: Collective Continuity and Socialization Processes for LGBTQ+ Emerging Adults, Kit Turner
Faith in a Changing Climate: Policy Framing and Southern Evangelical Christian Views on Climate Policy, Sydne Tursky
Embodied Feminism: An Ethnographic Study of Abortion Access and Hopeful Praxis, Nicolette Tuttle
Blood Replacement Therapy by Generation of Polymeric Recombinant Hemoglobin Using “Click Chemistry” and Circular Tandem Repeat Proteins, Johanna Hamilton Urbach
Living in Pele's Workshop: Using Community-informed Planning to Address Housing Needs in Puna, Hawai'i, Taylor Webb
Structural History of the Formidable-Le Conte Mountain Area, North Cascades, WA, Nyle Weldon
Gestational Carrier Bloggers: Key Points of Uncertainty in the Social Exchange with Intended Parents, Samantha Whalen
Witness Marks: Notes on a Family, B. Woods
Methane emissions in Port Susan Bay: the missing link in carbon accounting, Rachel S. Yonemura
Vamos Outdoors Project’s Innovative Schools Based Programs During COVID-19: Program Assessment, Andrew Basabe
The Comic Way Towards the Universal Self: Socioecological Trauma and the Wounds Left by Survival, Gabriel Bugarin
Implementation of a Constraint and Configuration Interaction Methodology Into Density Functional Tight Binding, Gunnar J. Carlson
The effect of large woody debris, direct seeding, and distance from the forest edge on species composition on novel terraces following dam removal on the Elwha River, WA., Sara J. Cendejas-Zarelli
Pyridinediimine Complexes with Coordination Sphere Interactions Relevant to Copper and Non-Heme Iron Enzymes, Pui Man Audrey Cheung
Biodegradable plastic degradation products alter germination and growth of Aspergillus, Taylor Cofer
Partner preference in the intertidal: possible benefits of ocean acidification to sea anemone-algal symbiosis, Natalie Coleman
Enhancing Plasmonic Nanomaterials: Colorimetric Sensing and SERS, John Crockett
The Effect of Cognitive Load on Involuntary Musical Imagery, Kayleigh I. Cutshaw
How Science Policies Influence Ecological User-Engaged Research in Brazil and Peru?, Aline C. de Oliveira Machado Prata
An Analysis of Hope and Future Orientation in the Context of School Climate in Mongolian Secondary Schools, Jaime Diaz
Public Lands and Climate Change: An Evaluation of the North Cascadia Adaptation Partnership, Kristen Doering
Local Museums, Global Publics: how online programing during COVID-19 impacted the way museums define their audiences, Madeline R. Duffy
Understanding the Impact of Stress on Sexual Behavior: A Study of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Masturbation Habits of Americans, Holly Edwards
Training Patterns of Tactical Athletes, Emily Elliott
Exploring Biochemical Mechanisms with Hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics and Enhanced Sampling Methods, Edwin Enciso