The mission of the Graduate School is to advance, promote, and serve graduate faculty, students, and programs through advocacy, leadership, and oversight. The Graduate School supports all graduate programs and students at Western, expanding graduate and undergraduate student access to engaging education, promoting life-long learning, enhancing scholarly activity, and developing graduates qualified to address the diverse critical needs of the state and nation.
A Computational Investigation of BODIPY Excited State Properties and Photosensitization of Molecular Oxygen, Keenan Komoto
A Qualitative Investigation of the Peer Mentor Experience in a Physical Activity Intervention for Mental Health, Taylor R. Leenstra
The Effect of Knee Extension Angle on Knee Joint Position Sense Between Genders, Samuel M. Lyons
Building the Climate Justice Movement: A Field Manual to Increase Climate Activism, Jill MacIntyre Witt
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Burnout and Depression in Intercollegiate Athletes, Arianna Martignetti
Here’s Looking at You Kid: Preferential Attention to Same and Other Race Infant Faces Does Not Overcome the Other Race Effect, Sarah L. Martinez
How do lizards use behavior and physiology to inhabit different climate zones?, Matthew R. McTernan
College Students’ Values for Self-Expression, their Facebook Use, and Bridging Social Capital, Chelsea J. Melton
Seismicity and Velocity Structure of Offshore Hawai`i, including Lo`ihi Submarine Volcano, Dara K. Merz
Structural and Functional Characterization of the F-actin Binding Headpiece Domain of Plant Villin 4, Heather Miears
Six Weeks of Creatine-Electrolyte Supplement Effects on Muscle Fatigability, Donnelly R. Miller
Community within Single-Site Permanent Supportive Housing: Perspectives and Experiences from Staff and Residents at St. Mary’s House, Peter Miterko
Building Arc Crust – Plutonic to Volcanic Connections in an Extensional Island Arc, the Alisitos Arc Crustal Section (Southern Rosario Segment), Baja California, Rebecca A. (Rebecca Anne) Morris
Designing a Curriculum on Sustainable Living Practices, Stefanie Neale
Effects of a Single Diaphragmatic Breath on Anxiety, Gaze, and Performance, Mason B. (Mason Burk) Nichols
Simulation Modeling of Population Expansion for Introduced Mountain Goats in the Olympic Mountains of Washington State, Melissa M. Oscarson
Modeling, Design and Fabrication of Biocompatible Silk-Based Electronics and Actuators, Nicholas Ostrovsky-Snider
O Lady, Speak Again, Dayna E. Patterson
Structural Evolution of the San Juan Thrust System, Orcas and Shaw Islands, WA, Kevin Quillan
The Presence of Rhetoric: A Content Analysis of the Estonian American National Council’s Documents from Estonia, 1986-1989, Michael Redlinger
Elk Abundance Estimation and Road Ecology in Whatcom and Skagit Counties, Washington, Nathan C. Rice
Sediment Budget of the Middle Reach Skagit River, Washington 1937-2015 Reveals Decadal Variations in Sediment Export and Storage, Amelia Deuell Rothleutner
A Malleable Strength: The Formation of Jewish Identity in Response to Imperialism in Antiquity, Abigail L. (Abigail Lynn) Russell
A Theoretical and Experimental Study into the Kinetics of Solution Phase Thin Film Deposition, Cyrus Schaaf
The effects of an ankle strengthening and proprioception exercise protocol on peak torque and joint position sense, Jayson Shepherd
Galentown: A Tragedy in Five Acts, Marley A. Simmons-Abril
The Stones They Chose: Lithic Analysis and Design Selections at Čḯxwicən Village (45CA523), Joseph Sparaga
Testing the time dependence of slip on the western Klamath Lake fault zone, Oregon, Gunnar Speth
Luminance, Megan Spiegel
Let Me Show You I’m Not Biased! Demonstrating Non-Prejudiced Opinions while Navigating the Topic of Race, Emily R. Stafford
Effectiveness of Salmon Carcass Analogs as a Form of Nutrient Enhancement for Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Three Lower Columbia Watersheds, Matthew T. Sturza
Permission, Fallon Sullivan
Framing and Moral Motives: The Interaction Between Moral Foundations and Political Identity in Predicting Motives, Joshua A. Thompson
The Impact of Crossramp Angle and Elliptical Path Trajectory on Lower Extremity Muscle Activation, Matthew M. Thorsen
Probing the catalytic properties of Ni-based bimetallic phosphides for deep hydrodesulfurization, Peter J. Topalian
Regulation of the Odorant Receptor ODR-10 via Endoplasmic Reticulum-Associated Degradation in Caenorhabditis elegans, Alexandra Townsend
Cultural Schemas as Cultural Capital: The Fuerza and Flexibility of Latino Family Values, Shane Treadway
Veil of Resilience: How the Concept of Honor Affects Female Education in Afghanistan, Fereshta Ullah
Intermolecular interactions that lead to the activation and inhibition of ribosome-dependent GTPases, Amanda J. Weis
Retreat to refugia: Severe habitat contraction projected for endemic alpine plants of the Olympic Peninsula, Samuel T. Wershow
Ongoing Exhumation and Recent Exposure of Sedimentary Outcrops on Mars, Joshua M. Williams
Structural Characterization of Factor VIII C2 Domain Activated Platelet Membrane Binding, Serena W. Wo
The 'F-Word': Awareness and Perceptions in Fin-Fish Farming and Aquaculture Policies, Jordan Wrigley
Year-Round Algal Toxin Exposure in Free-Ranging Sea Lions: Implications of Trophic Exposure for Declining Populations, Adrianne M. (Adrianne Monet) Akmajian
Borderlands, Sarah K. (Sarah Kathleen) Appleton
Effects of Hand Position During a Push-Up on Scapular Kinematics, Tylre M. Arens
A molecular method to quantify sex-specific consumption of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) by Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) using scat, Brittany S. (Brittany Summer) Balbag
Nutritional Intake and Hormone Phenotypes in the Kansas Mennonite, Christopher E. Barrett
Using Intersectionality to Enhance and Mitigate Group Threats, Jeremy R. Becker
The Body is a Situation, Ali Beemsterboer
The Compounding Consequences of Climate Change and Wildfire for a High Elevation Wildflower (Saxifraga austromontana), Trevor D. S. (Trevor David Snow) Bloom
Mechanisms of Inverted Seismic Multiplets, Joel Brann
Histidine Domain-Arabinogalactan Proteins (HD-AGPs) in the Solanaceae, Jenna K. (Jenna Kristine) Brooks
Fine-scale Topoclimate Modeling and Climatic Treeline Prediction of Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) in the American Southwest, Jamis M. Bruening
Toward Sovereignty: Zhang Zhidong’s Military Strengthening of China, 1884-1901, Adam Y. (Adam Yung-Ho) Chang
Black Cottonwood (Populus Trichocarpa) Nutrition in the Dewatered Lake Aldwell Reservoir on the Elwha River, Washington, Ezra H. Citron
Blurred Vision? Evaluating the Legacy of Puget Sound Smart Growth, Stacy Clauson
The Deoxygenation and Hydrogenation Properties of Noble Metal-Based Bimetallic Phosphide Catalysts, Paul M. Cochran
The Effect of High-Intensity Visible Light on the Bloom Niches of the Phototrophic Dinoflagellates Alexandrium fundyense and Heterocapsa rotundata, Elizabeth C. (Elizabeth Colleen) Cooney
Return to Sarah: for Orchestra, Nicaela Coté
Leveraging Legitimacy: How Alaska Circumvented Salmon Sustainability By Creating Their Own Eco-Label, Monique Couture
The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Attention and Rumination, Diana M. David
Fluvial Incision, Upper Plate Faulting, and Short-Term Deformation in the Southern Olympic Mountains of Washington State, Jaime Delano
Identification of Aspergillus Fungal Resistance Factors in a Plant Model System, Teresa C. De Sitter
Teaching Environmental/STEM College Access Curriculum in Two Western Washington Title I Elementary Schools, Wendelin Dunlap
Climatic Drivers of Western Spruce Budworm Outbreaks in the Okanogan Highlands, Todd M. Ellis
Mineral Complexities as Evidence for Open-system Processes in Formation of Intermediate Magmas of the Mount Baker Volcanic Field, Northern Cascade Arc, Ricardo D. (Ricardo Daniel) Escobar-Burciaga
Globalized Garment Systems: Theories on the Rana Plaza Disaster and Possible Localist Responses, Elizabeth A. Evans
Velocity-Based Training as a Method of Auto-Regulation in Collegiate Athletes, Damien L. (Damien Levon) Fisher
A Dynamic Bayesian Approach for Integrating Climate Change into a Multi-Stressor Ecological Risk Assessment for the Mercury Contaminated South River and Upper Shenandoah River, Lara Gaasland-Tatro
Survival Strategies, Jenna Gernand
Knowing Nature: Plurinationality and Productivity in Ecuador’s Socialist State, Kelsey E. Gilman
"They Gave Hungary Away": Depression and Traumatic Cultural Identity Among Hungarians, Katarina Gombocz
Toward Accurate and Efficient Computational Screening of the Electronic Structure and Band Gaps of Semiconductors, Linda Grabill
Predicting Risk to Estuary Water Quality and Patterns of Benthic Environmental DNA in Queensland, Australia using Bayesian Networks, Scarlett E. Graham
Bacterial Diversity and Community Structure of Lithotrophically-Driven Microbial Mats from the Mariana Arc and Back-Arc, Kevin W. Hager
How These Girls Shimmer, Julia E. Hands
Mapping Interactions Between the Type-VI Secretion System Effector tAE1 and Its Putative Substrates Using NMR Spectroscopy, Robert C. (Robert Corey) Henderson
Adaptive Variation in Desiccation Resistance in Rhagoletis, Jennifer L. (Jennifer Lynn) Hill
Speech Modifications for Supporting Auditory Comprehension in Aphasia, Jamie Hitchcock
A Certain Exposure, Cindy-Lou Holland
Comprehensive Solution Structure Analysis of DNA Duplexes Containing Chemical Base Alterations, Joanna Hoppins
Progress Toward Structural Studies of a Circularly Permuted Human Hemoglobins Containing T-State Stabilizing Mutations, Rachel J. (Rachel Joy) Hubbard
Effects of Creatine-Electrolyte Supplement on Power and Strength Performance, Erik Hummer
Creating a Community Hub for Natural History Education in the Methow Valley and Beyond, Mary Kiesau
Walking in Broken Pixels, Hans M. Klein
Cognitive Motor Interference in Adults with LCVA and Typical Comparison Peers Under Single- and Dual-task Conditions, Shandra Knapstad
Synthesis & Reactivity of Iron (II) Pyridinediimine Complexes For the Reduction of Nitrite, Yubin Kwon
Detecting Fires: A Nationally Consistent, Rule Based Approach, Jacob D. (Jacob Daniel) Lesser
Middle-Class Masculinity in England: Examining Citizen-Soldier Volunteers of the First World War, Connor Litchman
Microbial Diversity Across an Oxygen Gradient Using Large-scale Phylogenetic-based Analysis of Marine Metagenomes, Ryan J. (Ryan James) McLaughlin
Behavioral Characterization of a Knock-in Mouse Model of Huntington's Disease, Shawn Minnig
Science and Strategy: How Scientific and Technical Information Are Used in Disputes Over Landslide Regulations in Seattle, WA, Ana E. Miscolta-Cameron
Comparing Soil Datasets with the APEX Model: Calibration and Validation for Hydrology and Crop Yield in Whatcom County, Washington, Andrew M. Monks
Modeling the Effects of Forecasted Climate Change and Glacier Recession on Late Summer Streamflow in the Upper Nooksack River Basin, Ryan D. Murphy
Exploring the Effects of Psychological Distance and Action-Related Knowledge on Wildlife Conservation, Brett A. Muskavage
Investigating the Spatio-Temporal Relationships Between Snowmelt Timing and Wildfire Area Burned in the US Mountain West, Donal Seán (Donal Seán) O'Leary III