The mission of the Graduate School is to advance, promote, and serve graduate faculty, students, and programs through advocacy, leadership, and oversight. The Graduate School supports all graduate programs and students at Western, expanding graduate and undergraduate student access to engaging education, promoting life-long learning, enhancing scholarly activity, and developing graduates qualified to address the diverse critical needs of the state and nation.
Exploration of Dancers' Post-Injury Psychological Experiences, Marísa Kelly Rose Fernandez
Synthesis and Reactions of Medium-Ring Silyl Ethers, Inna A. Fomina
Assessing energy justice: The case of Xwe’chi’eXen, Cherry Point, Andrea Gemme
Edible Seaweeds of the Salish Sea: Contaminant Levels and Comparison with Common Foods, Jennifer Hahn
Time Sculpture: The Poetics of Memory and Identity, Stephen L. Haines
Intergroup Conflict and the Spread of the Bow and Arrow in the Salish Sea Region, David Hanna
To Rip // Time, CeAnna Heit
Marine Ecosystem Response to Late Pleistocene Rapid Climate Change in the Salish Sea, Alex Victor Hernandez
Between Fight and Flight: Essays and Poems, Katie Higinbotham
Effects of Environmental Aging on the Acute Toxicity and Chemical Composition of Various Microplastic Leachates, Allie Johnson
Reidentifying Sources of Tephra in the Izu-Bonin Arc: Recognizing Recent Rear-arc Volcanism 1.1 – 2.7 Ma, Cassandra King
Floodplain response to Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 in the southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A., Eve Lalor
Fairyboy: A Memoir, Keegan Lawler
The Effect of EMG Biofeedback Training on Muscle Activation in an Impingement Population, Eliot Mackay
A Comparison of the Actual and Recommended Diving Profiles of Dominican Republic Diver Fishermen, Kasey Mallon Andrews
Demystifying Denitrification: Coordination Complexes Give Valuable Insight into the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides, Walker R. Marks
“Not Like Other Girls”: Implicit and Explicit Dimensions of Internalized Sexism and Behavioral Outcomes, Kira K. Means
Synthesis of guaipyridine alkaloids rupestines C, D and K with studies toward the synthesis of rupestines B, J, L and M, Briana J. Mulligan
The ASD Parent Perspective: Stress Contributors and Perceptions of Feeling Supported and Understood, Chelsea Noble
Community Perspectives Regarding Building Electrification as a Climate Mitigation Strategy in Bellingham, WA: A Q-Study, Sarah K. Parker
Structural and Mutational Characterization of the Blood Coagulation Factor VIII C Domain Lipid Binding Interface, Shaun C. Peters
Optimistic Anthropology: Identity and Well-Being on Instagram, Katherine Picchiotti
Cultural Differences in Emotion Regulation and Social Support Seeking, Vida Pourmand
Investigating the transport, fate, and behavior of microplastics in estuarine systems through the application of metal-doped polystyrene analogs using spICP-MS, Robert Rauschendorfer
Effects of environmental weathering on the acute toxicity of tire wear particle eluate to the mysid shrimp, Americamysis bahia, P. Matt Roberts
Engineering Segmentally Labeled Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, Erin Rosenkranz
Chemical Modification of Silk Protein via Palladium-Mediated Suzuki-Miyaura Reactions, Racine Santen
Not My Privilege: How Construal Level Explains Reactions to Male Privilege, Allison Schwam
Hybridization between an invasive fruit fly and a variably plastic native sibling species, Weston Staubus
Evaluating thresholds in fluvial response to the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 in the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, U.S.A), Grace Marie Sutherland
Extension of Restricted Open-Shell Kohn-Sham Methodology to a Density-Functional Tight-Binding Framework, Reuben Szabo
Lidar-Based Riparian Forest Assessment of the Nooksack River, Washington, Julia Tatum
Computational Design of Novel Materials for Solar Energy Conversion and Catalysis, Corey Teply
Mapping Genetic Variants Associated with Dynamic Protein Abundance in Haploid Yeast, Tanner Thuet-Davenport
A Meta-Analytic Review of Asian American Well-Being, Kristina Tran
Structural Studies of the von Willebrand Factor D’ domain and its Binding Mechanism to Factor VIII, AP Wang
Provenance of early Paleogene strata in the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, U.S.A.): Implications for Laramide tectonism and basin-scale stratigraphic patterns, Jessica L. Welch
Creating a Comprehensive Western American/Canadian Fire Dataset, 1880-2018, Katherine Welch
Signaling and Trafficking in Choanoflagellates and Humans: A Study of Conserved Peptide-Binding Domains, Haley Wofford
Revaluating the use of mollusks for estimating paleodepth in the Pacific Northwest, E Worthington
Gender Socialization in Contemporary American Culture, Drew Elizabeth Wright
Barriers to Educational Resources: The Effect of Disability Disclosure on Ratings of a Scholarship Applicant, Yichuan Yin
Exploring Social Physique Anxiety, Ethnic Identity, and Gender Identity in Exercisers, Kelly M. Zwicker
Regulation of Glutamate Receptor (GLR-1) Under Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Caenorhabditis elegans, Janie Aguilera
Slip rates and kinematics of active crustal faults in the central Oregon Cascades, Katherine Alexander
Timing and Conditions of Metamorphism in the Cascades Crystalline Core from Garnet Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Geochronology, Peter Baker
Activation of Nitrite and Carbon Dioxide by Cobalt Centered Redox Active Ligand Featuring a Hemilabile Pendant Amine, Douglas F. Baumgardner
The Impacts of Sex-Specific Diets of a Marine Predator on Ecosystem Models, Jonathan Blubaugh
Andre Lyle Act: Skin and Bones, Janine Blue
Sun, Sand, & Afternoon Showers: Creating nature-based, outdoor classroom curriculum for a central florida preschool, Ali Burdick
Nineteenth Century Sacred Music: Bruckner and the rise of the Cäcilien-Verein, Nicholas Bygate
Does Text Messaged Social Support Attenuate Cardiovascular and Psychological Reactivity to a Laboratory Stressor?, Tabitha C. S. Caley
Modeling the effects of climate change on streamflow and stream temperature in the South Fork of the Stillaguamish River, Katherine Mary Clarke
The Effects of 6 Weeks of Hip-Strengthening Exercises on Drop Jump Performance in Middle School Students, Blake Corl-Baietti
Polybenzoxazine-Grafted Composites: Accelerated Polymerization of Benzoxazine Resins from Bulk- to Microscale Mesylated Materials, Cassidy L. Crickmore
Clam garden bivalve dietary responses and trophic shifts in relation to environment, Octavio Cruz
Development of TI-DFTB: Transition Dipole Moment Calculations in a Time-Independent Density Functional Tight-Binding Framework, Megan Deshaye
Non-Traditional Music Classes in Secondary Public School Music Programs, Patrick J. Doran
LSC Fabrication and Design: Bulk Polymerization and Ultrathin Architectures, Justin T. Doyle
Metrics of shoreline armoring impacts on beach morphology in the Salish Sea, WA, Hannah Drummond
Language We Fall Through, Jai Dulani
Analysis of the role of RNA silencing protein 1 (Rsp1) in the biogenesis of ~23-24 nt sRNAs in Tetrahymena thermophila, Samantha Elizabeth O'Keffe Neff Ernest
Eat the Eye: Stories, Abigail Feden
Land, Body, Liberation: An Ecofeminist Pedagogical Approach to Place-Based Education, Amy L. Fitkin
Effect of a Coevolved Parasitic Nematode on Fitness of the Desert Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos), Holly Flann
Applying the United States Forest Service National Framework for Sustainable Recreation to the Entiat Ranger District: From Theory to Implementation, Katherine Galambos
The Role of Relational Mobility in Cultural Expression of Social Anxiety in Context, Jerry T. Geffre-Barnett
Between Beaverhouse and Eden, Joey Griffith
A Non-Invasive Technique for Tracking a Marine Predator (Phoca vitulina) Through Molecular Scat Analysis, Nathaniel Guilford
Conifer establishment and encroachment on subalpine meadows around Mt. Baker, WA, Ben Hagedorn
Water Resources on the Pacific Crest Trail: Thru-Hiker Experiences and Alternate Water Sources in 2019, Riley Hine
Body Imagery: Stories and Essays, Eleanor Howell
Bio-preservation Potential of Sediment in Eberswalde crater, Mars, Cory Hughes
Active and passive joint position sense on healthy hips, Julianna J. Johnson
When You Are Dead, Mikel Johnson
Paleomagnetic and Structural Analysis of Geothermal Drill Core from Akutan, Alaska, Molly Kathleen Johnson
Ethnography of Urban Food Policy: Increasing Food Sovereignty in Bellingham, Washington, Matia Jones
The Feed, Zachary Kaplan-Moss
Novice Music Teachers: Beginning Secondary Music Teachers and the Challenges of Classroom Management, Christopher Kelley
Testing the potential for using Structure from Motion photogrammetry methods to estimate seasonal mass balance on lower Easton Glacier, Mount Baker, WA, Elizabeth Kimberly
Survival, growth, and radula morphology of postlarval pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) when fed six species of benthic diatoms, Lillian Miller Kuehl
Effects of anthropogenic forest stresses on the distribution and abundance of the Olympic Torrent Salamander (Rhyacotriton olympicus) in the Olympic National Forest and Olympic National Park, Travis MacNeil Kurtz
Enslaved Midwives in the Long Eighteenth Century: Slavery, Reproduction, and Creolization in the Chesapeake, 1720 - 1830, Emily A. Lampert
Incorporating Climate Change Predictions in Ecological Risk Assessment: A Bayesian Network Relative Risk Model for Chinook Salmon in the Skagit River Watershed, Eric J. Lawrence
Allylic Benzoate Reductions: A Study on Stereospecificity, Michael A. Leitch
Wave runup and morphologic change on a mixed-sediment beach in the Salish Sea, WA, Avery Maverick
C.A.L.M., Jessica McCutchen
Carbodiimides: Templates for Covalent Adaptable Networks and Post Polymerization Modification, Alberto J Melchor Bañales