The mission of the Graduate School is to advance, promote, and serve graduate faculty, students, and programs through advocacy, leadership, and oversight. The Graduate School supports all graduate programs and students at Western, expanding graduate and undergraduate student access to engaging education, promoting life-long learning, enhancing scholarly activity, and developing graduates qualified to address the diverse critical needs of the state and nation.
The Unfurling Frond, Rebecca Beardsall
Joint Motions of the Knee, Hip, and Trunk during a Single-Leg Step-Down Test and Running, Cody J. Brocato
Self-determined Exploration of the Outdoors and What Students Can Teach Themselves: A Report on the Beach Investigators Summer Program, Mark F. (Mark Franklin) Bryant
Lewis Acids in the Secondary Coordination Sphere for Kinetic Enhancement Toward Reduction of Nitrite, Kyle T. Burns
Long-term propagule pressure overwhelms early community determination of invader success in a serpentine grassland, Amanda N. Carr
Power, Pleasure, and Performance: Belle de Jour and the Girlfriend Experience, Marisa L. (Marisa Lenay) Carter
Testing ¹⁰Be Exposure Dating of Holocene Cirque Moraines using Glaciolacustrine Sediments in the Sierra Nevada, California, William Cary
The Accessibility of Atrocity: A Case Study of Responsibility during the Holocaust, Nate Christiansen
Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors Based on High-Index Dielectric Metal-Insulator-Metal Structures, Sarah Clark
Hydrologic and Nutrient Fluxes in a Small Watershed with Changing Agricultural Practices, Bridger Cohan
Daytime Summer Microclimate Influence of Large Woody Debris on Dewatered Sediments in Lake Mills, WA Following Dam Removal, Mariah J. Colton
New Reactions of Ring Strained Allyl Silanes, Elizabeth J. (Elizabeth Jane) Cummins
The Benefits of a Therapeutic Nature Education Intervention for Children with ADHD, Madeline Dineen
Site occupancy analysis of the sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus graciosus) in the disappearing desert-scrub of the Columbia Basin, Ryan R. (Ryan Robert) Drake
Mirror Me, Rosemary Engelfried
Dendrochronology of Seaside Juniper (Juniperus maritima), Dustin Gleaves
A Comparison of the Effect of Conditioning Activity Type on Post-activation Potentiation, Alexander I. Grey
Characterization of Particulate Matter Accumulated on Ramalina farinacea in the Seattle Area Using Semi-Automated Electron Microscopy, Tor G. (Tor Gunnar) Guddal
Instructions for Caring, Tracy Haack
Diversity and Petrogenesis of Rhyolites from an Intra-oceanic Arc: Evidence from IODP Site U1437, Izu Bonin Rear-arc and Surrounding Area, Luan J. (Luan Jean) Heywood
Maelstroms, Christina Holt
Partisan Stereotype Exaggeration: The Role of Like-Minded Media Consumption and Inter-Party Hostility, Kamran Hughes
Characterizing potential bacterial pathogens of Pisaster ochraceus sea stars with wasting disease, Chelsea Hutchinson
Long Distance Trade and the Parthian Empire: Reclaiming Parthian Agency from an Orientalist Historiography, Evan J. (Evan Jeffery) Jones
The Associations of Epiphytic Macroinvertebrates and Aquatic Macrophytes in Canyon Lake, WA, Jesse T. (Jesse Tyler) Klinger
The Effects of Forecasted Climate Change on Mass Wasting Susceptibility in the Nooksack River Basin, Kevin Knapp
A Search for Blue Carbon in Central Salish Sea Eelgrass Meadows, Mira D. (Mira Diana) Lutz
Geologic Development and Ongoing Activity of the Van Zandt Landslide Complex, Northwest WA, USA, Geoffrey Malick
Environmental Interpretation Plan for the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail, Rosalie Matsumoto
Science-based Bel Canto Pedagogy in Young Women's Voices, Claire McCullough
Vertical Distribution of Olympia oyster (Ostrea lurida) larvae in Fidalgo Bay, WA, Brooke A. McIntyre
Integrated Food Systems Education: A Network Assessment of Bellingham, WA, Ciera Mead
Of Moonshine and Water, Kathryn Merwin
Community Solar: A Pathway toward Leadership for Higher Education Institutions, Kevin Moens
Gag reflex and disgust sensitivity in selective eaters, Hayley Nichols
The Chemicals Between Us: A Geoarchaeological Analysis of a Shell Midden and Patterns of Deposition at the Woodstock Farm Site, Chuckanut Bay, Washington, Stacie Jo Nored Pratschner
Dante's Cartography And Other Stories, Alyssa M. (Alyssa Michelle) Quinn
Collaborative Ocean Acidification Mapping for a Changing Salish Sea? Transdisciplinary and Transboundary Barriers, Katrina Radach
Driving Sortase-Mediated Ligations Using Metal-Coordinating Peptides, Sierra Reed
Shuksan Story: An Original Soundtrack Composition, Jonathan (Jonathan Mahan) Ross
Policy Analysis of Water Management: Strategies for Whatcom County, Washington to Address Permit-Exempt Wells in Water-Constrained Watersheds, Sydney Schlotterback
The Effectiveness of Forested and Hedgerow Riparian Buffers for Buffering Water Temperature and Improving Fish Habitat in Agricultural Waterways in Western Washington, Jessica L. (Jessica Lynne) Shaw
The Hustle and Bustle of the Coast Salish Potlatch An Exploratory Case Study of Gift Economic Exchange and Bird Resources at the Village of Xwe’Chi’eXen, 45WH1, Carl E. (Carl Erik) Sholin
A Chemoenzymatic Approach to the Synthesis of Hemoglobin Oligomers, Johann Sigurjonsson
A Psychosocial Approach to Predicting Self-Harm in Heterogeneous Populations, Melissa J. Sitton
Development of Regio- and Diastereoselective Samarium (II) Iodide Mediated Allylic Benzoate Reductions, Trevor Stockdale
Metamorphic Evolution of the Sierra de Maz: Implications for the Timing of Terrane Accretion on the Western Margin of Gondwana, Andrew Tholt
Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on Stream Temperature in the Nooksack River Basin, Stephanie E. Truitt
Interactive effects of ocean acidification and ocean warming on Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) early life stages, Cristina Villalobos
Cross-sectional scat sampling reveals intrapopulation feeding diversity in a marine predator, Madelyn Voelker
Does Cycling Cadence Affect Interlimb Symmetry in Pedaling Power in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease?, Gary D. Wiley Jr.
The Effect of Experience-Based Prototypes on Spatial Memory, Michael L. (Michael Loran) Williams
Wasted and Castrated: Two Diseases Affecting the Ochre Star, Pisaster ochraceus, in North America, Zoë Zilz
Constructing the Klamath: Nature, Culture, and the Management of a Western River, Zander Albertson
A Climactic Unimak Island Caldera-Forming Eruption, Aleutian Arc, Alaska: Magma storage and pre-eruption P-T-fO2-H2O conditions of the rhyodacite magma, Olivia E. (Olivia Eliška) Anderson
Acute Effects of Two Hip Flexor Stretching Techniques on Knee Joint Position Sense and Balance, Hussain I. Aslan
Children “Left Behind”: Exploring the Nexus of Migration and Formal Education in Mexico, Tiffini Ayala
Towards the Substrate-bound Structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae Sortase A, Orion Banks
Changes in Water Chemistry and Biological Communities Associated with Metal Mining in Streams in the North Cascades, Brooke G. Bannerman
Building a Musical Theatre Program: A Standards Driven Curriculum for High School Educators, Emilee J. Buchanan
Population Characteristics and Habitat Use by the Recently Introduced Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea) in Lake Whatcom, Washington, Jason A. (Jason Alexander) Buehler
Trust and Conservation Opportunity: the importance of trust in landholders' decisions to participate in conservation programs, Analiese C. E. Burns
Plant Community and Nutrient Development within Four Estuary Restoration Sites in Kitsap County, Washington, Shannon M. (Shannon Marie) Call
Holocene Fault Reactivation and Landscape Evolution in the Eastern Cascades, WA, Benjamin M. Carlson
Determining the Maximal Recoverable Volume of Resistance Training in Tonnage during a Strength Phase, Patrick C. Castelli
Social Class and the Production of Mountain Space: The historical geographies of the Seattle Mountaineers, 1906-1939, Thomas C. Christian
Phylogenetic-Based Characterization of Microbial Eukaryote Community Structure and Diversity of an Estuary in the Salish Sea, Taylor L. Clement
The Effect of Fatigue on the Motor Evoked Potential of the Infraspinatus, Joseph Howard Cordell
Initiation and Evolution of Subduction: T-t-D History of the Easton Metamorphic Suite, Northwest Washington State, Jeremy Cordova
Creatine and Electrolyte Supplementation Improves Repetitive Sprint Cycling Performance, Daniel L. Crisafulli
More Than Faith: Latter-Day Saint Women as Politically Aware and Active Americans, 1830-1860, Kim M. (Kim Michaelle) Davidson
Probing the Secondary Coordination Sphere of Zn(II) and Fe(II) Pyridinediimine (PDI) Complexes, Mayra Delgado
Interpreting the dynamics of submarine landslides through hydroacoustic modeling, West Mata volcano, NE Lau Basin, Jonathan G. Drobiarz
Do Conspecific Soil Microorganisms Inhibit Potentilla recta?, Faythe Duran
Effects of Thoracic Spine Position during Cycle Sprint Recovery, Deanna Marlene Emnott
Polycentric Solutions for the Skagit River Water Wars?, Alanna Ewert
La Petite Maria de Normandie, Charles-John S. Fontillas
Gender Identity in a Cultural Context: An Application of the Master Narrative Framework, Chelsea Fordham
Investigating Pterion from Two Perspectives: Phylogenetics and Biomechanics, Nambi Gamet
Rethinking the “Ghetto Synthesis”: Problems and Prospects in the Black Metropolis, Brent Gaspaire
Mothers' Roots Curriculum Project, Sonya Gobert
Clustering of Epigenetic Methylation and Oxidative Damage: Effects on Duplex DNA Solution Structure, Thermodynamic Stability and Local Dynamics, David R. Gruber
Gender Stereotype and Spatial Reasoning: the Milankovitch Cycles, Kristina Gustovich
Comparing Aggressive and Impulsive Behavior in Concussed and Non-Concussed Athletes, Jason Haddix
Convenience of Corruption, Diane Henderson
A Legacy of Supremacy: Prison, Power, and the Carceral Nation, Luke J. Hickey
“If You Likin’ This Position You Can Tape It”: Reception of the Male Gaze Among Dancer and Non-Dancer Consumers of Music Videos, Mary A. (Mary Anne) Hood
An Exploration of Digital Sketch Mapping, Interview and Qualitative Analysis to Document a Therapeutic Landscape in Whatcom County, George Edward Juszynski
Program Development at the Outback: Exploring Place-Based, Experiential Education through a Campus Farm., Paul Kearsley
Effect of Distance on Lumbar Flexion and Erector Spinae Electromyography on a Slide versus Fixed Base Rowing Ergometer, Nicole Y. (Nicole Yvette) Kelp
Bumps in the Road, Katherine Kendall-Weed
Caring For The Qualified Life: Mexicana Certified Nursing Assistants In Bellingham, Washington, Marinel Kniseley
Physiological Mechanisms of Desiccation Resistance in Fruit-Parasitic Rhagoletis Flies, Christa M. (Christa Marie) Kohnert